Student Awards

Learning Power Award Recipients

Congratulations to students who have been recognised by staff for their demonstration of one or many of the 6 Learning Powers celebrated at SMDP.

  • Collaboration
  • Curiosity
  • Creativity
  • Reflection
  • Motivation
  • Resilience

On Monday during our whole school assembly, the following students were acknowledged and their learning described so we all know why they are worthy recipients of our awards and applause.


We send out a big virtual clap to the following students.

Week 5

Prep L


For being a leader as a collaborative learner in Prep L! Felicity is always displaying qualities of kindness and fairness in the classroom and on the yard. She is great at solving ant problems and is always going above and beyond to make sure that her classmates are feeling included and valued. Thank you for bringing these special qualities to our classroom, you are a superstar! 

Prep N


For being a motivated learner and positive role model in Prep N.  In literacy Neelah consistently asks clarifying questions about letter sound relationships to better understand spelling rules.  Neelah then uses a growth mindset and takes learning risks by attempting to sound out unknown words when writing.  Your love of learning is inspirational to all of us, well done Neelah.  



For being a motivated learner who is always trying to remain on task throughout the day. Steele seeks teacher support when needed and continuously tries his best in all learning areas. Keep up the great work Steele!



For being a collaborative learner who is committed to making our classroom an inclusive and welcoming place. Ivy continues to be a strong leader in our classroom by supporting, guiding and encouraging everyone around her. Thank you, Ivy for the big beautiful smile and positivity you bring with you each day. 



For being a motivated and collaborative learner who uses class resources to assist him with his writing. Harsh wrote a fantastic persuasive text using emotive language and included great arguments. He is always willing to assist his peers when they are faced with a problem. Keep up the fantastic work habits!



For being a curious learner who always asks lots of questions during classroom discussions. She searches for answers and sees problems as puzzles waiting to be solved. Heidi always applies a sense of humour when she solves the problem.



For being a creative learner who thought outside of the box when illustrating the text from ‘Let’s Save Antarctica’. Your drawings to represent climate change in Antarctica were very innovative. Great work, Oliver!



For being a collaborative learner during the Eucharist liturgy planning. Natalie communicated well with her group, listened to ideas and sought information from other groups to achieve a successful result. Well done.



For being a creative learner who co-created a creative masterpiece using our grammar in context book ‘Peregrines in the City’ for inspiration. We have enjoyed your out of the box thinking..  Well done Niko!



For being a motivated learner. This week you have really concentrated on producing work to a high standard. This was evident in your responses to the comprehension questions for ‘Peregrines in the City’, where you used evidence from the text to uplevel your responses. Keep up this fantastic attitude to learning, you are building positive learning habits that will help you be successful in highschool and beyond.



For being a creative learner who approaches learning by experimenting and exploring. You can see things from other points of view and are wiling to try new ways to achieve things.  You always present work of a very high standard, and are full of ideas which help inspire others!  Keep using your imagination Eilidh!


Jane (Music)

Mia W 3/4 S

For being a motivated drumming student. You concentrated hard, remembered your parts and did some awesome drumming Mia. Looking forward to hearing more of your beats.

Jane (Japanese)

Sophia 3 /4S

For being a curious learner who always listens well and asks thoughtful questions. I love how you always have a go at the new language. You are doing a great job in Japanese!

Nick (PE)

Marcell 5/6K

For being a resilient learner, although you forgot your soccer boots, you still managed to play well in our inter school soccer match and score the winning goal against Spotswood Primary School. Keep up the good work Marcell.

Week 6

Prep L


For being a motivated learner who gave his best effort to grow his brain last week by never giving up during Writing and Maths! Chhazatlei kept persisting with his learning even when it felt challenging to produce a fantastic picture of a sloth and even wrote a matching sentence! Well done super star!  

Prep N


For being a curious and motivated learner who has been improving her stamina in writing and maths! Jia started the year being afraid to make mistakes or take learning risks. She is now using a growth mindset and positive self talk strategies to give learning tasks a go independently. Well done Jia you should be excited about what you can do! 



For being a motivated learner who always tries her best at learning tasks and gives everything a go. In writing last week, Celine worked hard on her persuasive piece “Is donuts better than chocolate?” following the O.R.E.O writing process as she drafted, edited and published her work. Celine also used the resources around the room and constantly referred to the anchor chart to make her writing stronger. Keep up the fantastic work Celine!



For being a motivated learner who shows determination to complete learning tasks to a high standard, particularly in writing. Here Niven drafted two exciting sizzling starts for his narrative story that is set in a murky swamp! It was so hard to choose just one! Niven, you should be really proud of the focused learner you are becoming. 



For being a motivated learner who always tries his best in all learning areas. He uses classroom resources to assist him with his learning. This was evident when he constructed a persuasive text. He used his plan to assist him with his writing and included emotive language and great arguments. Well done Ayaan




For being a curious learner who is always asking questions during classroom discussions to improve his understanding. He searches for answers with a sense of humour which amuses his peers. Keep up the keen learning, Eeshan!



For being a collaborative learner while creating posters for the ‘strong apology model’ in respectful relationships. You assigned tasks for each member of your group and ensured everyone was contributing fairly, resulting in a fantastic poster. Great work, Freya! 



For being a motivated learner who brings an enthusiastic and positive attitude to the class. You have  identified strong connections to the text and clearly explained this through illustrated and written responses during Grammar in Context sessions. We are excited to see these great sentences in your next writing piece. Keep up your love for learning. Well done, Emily 



For being a creative learner. This week you experimented with writing in a different style and you created an information text that had me laughing out loud. Not only did your text read beautifully but your writing was published in a professional and eye-catching manner.  I can’t wait to read your completed non-fiction text. Keep up the fantastic work Ryan!



For being a motivated learner who approaches everything he does with a positive attitude!  You have so much energy and enthusiasm, and can always be relied upon to try your best and a little bit more.  This is evident in everything you do  from the way you conduct the choir to how you participate in Maths Olympiad.  Keep up your passion for learning Jay - it’s inspiring to see!

Nick (PE)


Prep N

For being a motivated learner in our gymnastic lessons this week. Sia, you participated in every activity and gained more and more confidence as you kept practising. Well done and keep up the great work.