Year Three News
Written by the Year Three Team
Year Three News
Written by the Year Three Team
These past two weeks in Year Three have been an absolute whirlwind! Students have settled into their classrooms nicely and created strong expectations within each of the Year Three classes. The classroom teachers have been more than impressed with how well students have settled in with their return to school, and as we finish off our first 20 days program, we cannot wait to jump into our first Unit of Inquiry!
In Reading, students have begun Guided Reading groups within the classroom. This is giving students a chance to read with their teacher and focus on specific skills in their reading they need to work on. As a Year Three cohort, a massive focus for us is students’ comprehension. Students are encouraged to have discussions about the books that they are reading with their families at home. We have also been focusing on the concept of ‘Genre’ and distinguishing between Fiction and non-fiction texts. Students have been identifying different components of these texts including an index and glossary for Non-fiction texts, and chapters for fiction texts. The teachers strongly encourage all students to be reading every single night!
A huge focus in writing has been launching our Writer's Notebook in Year Three. Students creativity has come out as we have spent writing lessons creating seeds based on the things we love, ideas for writing and a special artefact for the class.
Look at some of these fantastic hearts done by the students in Year Three!
Students will continue to plan their writing in their Writer's Notebook, and use the writing process to draft, revise, edit and publish work over the coming weeks.
In Mathematics, students have been using the Launch, Explore, Discuss model in maths classes to engage in math’s based activities. We have been looking into simple number tasks such as odds and evens, ordering numbers and using the acronym 'RUCSAC' as a tool to help solve worded problems. All these skills will set students up as we move into looking at Place Value and the different ways to represent numbers. We are lucky this year to have a brand new learning tool called ‘Essential Assessment’ which contains some fantastic maths games that students can play from home! Teachers will be introducing this app to students and handing out their usernames and passwords shortly. Essential Assessment is a great way for students to have tailored questions that can help improve their maths.
Throughout these first 20 days students have also been working through a variety of ICT and Wellbeing lessons to give them skills to be used throughout the year. For the ICT lessons, students have been looking at how to conduct research as well as a variety of cyber safety skills. Students have began to interact with their class SchoolBox pages, using them to their full potential!
The wellbeing lessons have been focussed on being respectful and dealing with conflict within the yard. It has been great to see students open up and talk about their emotions and how they can be impacted while at school.
What a fantastic start to Term One 2022, and we cannot wait to start our first Unit of Inquiry in the coming weeks!
Kind regards
The Year Three teaching team.