Student Welfare and Wellbeing News

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support and Respective Relationships News

Policy, Process, Practice

CSPS have policies, processes and practices that we use to ensure that all students grow into responsible, happy, resident and socially fulfilled individuals. 



Our Well being and Engagement Policy

Is located on the school website



CSPS is an SWBPS (School Wide Positive Behaviour School). SWPBS assists schools to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for children and young people.  There are a variety of processes and these include: Embrace 4 , Behaviour Matrix, 4 Steps, Major and Minor Behaviours and Safety 4. These posters are displayed in each learning space and are referred to on a regular basis.



Students and staff have clearly outlined processes to support the policy being implemented.  These include for example, the use of Time Owed, Student forms, Social and Emotional weekly lessons.


Bully Stoppers School Pledge

There is a growing awareness, both in Australia and internationally, of the harmful impact bullying can have on all members of the school community. Bully Stoppers aims to strengthen prevention and empower everyone to make a stand and become a bully stopper, reducing incidents of bullying in all Victorian schools.

We know that bullying, in all its forms, must be stopped because schools should be safe places for everyone.

We are making our school safe by:

  • Speaking up when others need help
  • Appreciating others and being a good friend
  • Feeling empowered to do what’s right
  • Encouraging people around us to Make a Stand, Lend a Hand against bullying

Together, we pledge to stand up for each other and stop bullying in our school.

This pledge is being signed by:

  • Principal; Mrs Monique Corcoran
  • School Council President; Jodi Price
  • Student Representative; School Captains Ruby O & Asher B.

The Department of Education and Training have advice about bullying at 

Since the beginning of the year there have been 2455 Positive Acknowledgements posted on to Compass. This means that students have been seen to be doing the "RIGHT" thing 2455 times!

Well done to all of the students who have reached the 10 point club, the 20 point club and some are heading to the 50 point club!

Congratulations to 1a for being awarded with the most Positive Points with 262 points. Thanks for showing the 5Ps of Purpose, Positivity, Persistence, Pride and Passion in all that you do!

Breakfast club began this week with our fabulous volunteers Lynette, Jess, Michelle and Jacqui helping out.  If you would like to come along and help out either Thursday or Friday morning from 8.15 am in the Gallery please let Karen Halket know.  The more the merrier!