Safety & First Aid News 

Covid-19 Notification Procedure

We would like to thank our CSPS families for their continued support in following the notification procedure when someone tests positive in their family.  Following the steps ensures we can keep the school community informed of positive cases and share with our families the information provided by DET and DHHS with regards to recording cases and isolating during designated periods.


When a CSPS student tests positive:

  • Email
  • Include student name, class, date tested positive, date last attended onsite and date expected to return onsite
  • Create an attendance note on Compass for the isolation period. (See the Known Absence Flowchart on how to create an attendance note inclusive of the isolation dates)

When a family member tests positive (CSPS student therefore a household contact):

  • Email
  • Include the dates the student is required to isolate as a household contact
  • Create an attendance note on Compass for the isolation period (see the Known Absence Flowchart on how to create an attendance note inclusive of the isolation dates)

Please note: an email to notify the school of a positive Covid-19 cases does not act as an attendance note.  Parents/carers MUST enter an attendance note on Compass.


If you have any questions with regards to the above procedure please do not hesitate to email and our First Aid Officer Christie Snowden will be happy to clarify the procedure further.

Parent survey on perceptions of vaccination for 5 to 11 year olds

The Department of Health would like to seek your support to complete a short survey about your views on COVID-19 vaccinations for children aged 5 to 11 years, regardless of your child’s vaccination status.


The survey will take 5-10 minutes to complete. Please click on the link to complete the online survey.  Translated surveys are available.


The survey closes on 5pm AEDST Thursday 17 March 2022. 


Please see the attachment for further information.