Specialist News

Physical Vibe News

Get Your Move on in March - Whole School Competition

In line with the Department of Education’s continued focus on promoting Active Schools we are encouraging everyone in the school to get their move on in March by completing an additional 15 minutes a day of physical activity as a whole class. 

The challenge - How many laps of the oval can each class do altogether during the month of March. 

The rules - A lap only counts once everyone in your class completes the lap so you must work as a team and display the school's values. 

The prize - The class with the most laps will receive an extra P.E lesson where the class gets to choose the game/activity and also enjoy having a special guest appearance by Mrs Halket or Mrs Corcoran. Some classes are itching to see how they would go at the Beep Test or Hula Hoop Showdown. 

The reasoning - Participating in regular physical activity boosts physical and mental health and improves academic performance. Physical activity throughout the day improves concentration, and our ability to retain information and solve problems. 

This also acts as a great lead up to the House Cross Country. 

Casey South Division Swimming Carnival

On Wednesday 9th March, Lara (5a) and Arizona (5b) attended the Casey South Division Swimming Carnival at Noble Park Aquatic Centre. They did such an amazing job and came home with 3rd place in their respective events. Thankyou to their cheer squad on the day - we appreciate your continued support with sporting events.  Well done girls!


Term 1 Events

The House Cross Country is taking place on Friday 25th March. All classes have been practicing for the event. Please refer to the Compass Post for more information.

We are after more Volunteers for both sessions for please if you can assist register online.


Volunteers Update

We love having volunteers at all of our C.S.P.S sporting events. We have taken on board feedback from last year and have made some changes to the Volunteer Registration Form.

Each volunteer must complete the ENTIRE form once per year (the first event you nominate for). If you volunteer for a 2nd or more events, you will be able to indicate this on the form and not need to re enter your information as per the first time. 


Sports Equipment Update

All classes now have their own bag of sports equipment to borrow from at break times. 

We have also received new hurdles, portable netball goals and portable soccer goals which will feature at certain breaks over the coming weeks.

A big thankyou to Mr Corcoran and the year 6 helpers who put together the new hurdles!

Beijing Winter Paralympic Games - The Inside Scoop

On Monday 7th March year 3, 4 5 and 6 students attending a Zoom session with hosted by Paralympians Ella Sabljak (Basketball) featuring guest speaker Jonty O’Callaghan (Alpine skiing). It students learnt about the Winter Paralympic Games and engaged in a question-and-answer session with Jonty about his sporting career, training and challenges living with a disability.

Around the Grounds

Check out what the students are saying about Physical Vibe.

Junior School 

Imogen (Fb) "Jumping on the hopper balls is fun!"

Reeve (2b) "I cant believe how far I jumped on the measure mat!"

Middle School 

Sehej (3a) "I liked throwing the balls to my friends."

Brayden (4b) "I enjoyed doing the fitness challenges, I was so proud of how I went."


Senior School 

Flynn (5a) "I love trying my best at all the different sports we get to do."

Visual Arts

As part of raising awareness for World Wildlife Day, the whole school created animal handprints! 

Every sub school had a different habitat:

Juniors- The Savannah 

Middles- The Tropical Rainforest



Seniors- The Coral Reef

Each handprint represents their 'helping hand' to help save the animals in their environment. 


The amazing Specialist leaders, Lillie Hughes and Billie Glenn, as well as other special helpers, assisted with our corridor display. They selected some work from every class and placed it on the 3 different murals. 


Environmental Studies

Junior School - We had lots of fun using our senses to classify and sort a range of natural objects. We ended the lesson with a balance challenge which required lots of persistence and concentration.

Middle School - In the garden the Year 4's got to pick the pears which have now gone into the fridge to ripen. The students suggested that we make Pear Pancakes! In our Science lesson we studied the reproductive organs of a  flower. First we sliced the flower in half creating a cross-section and then studied it with a magnifying glass. 

Senior School - We continued our investigations into electricity using Multimeters to measure the conductivity of various objects. I found the lesson quite frustrating as the Multimeters seemed inconsistent but when I asked the students to rate the lesson it was a big thumbs up!