Education News


Parent Teacher Conferences

Thank you to the families who came to the Parent Teacher conferences. These meetings provided staff, students and families with valuable time to discuss recent assessments, goals for the future, Education Plans and to discuss the upcoming Learning Tasks for Mathematics.  We had 183 bookings out of a potential 328. This is just over half of the students. If you missed making an appointment, please contact your classroom teacher and organise a time either online or face to face.

YEAR 3 and YEAR 4 Update

World Wildlife Day

Year 3 and 4 celebrated World Wildlife Day on Friday 4th March. We were inspired by Australian Artist - Pete Cromer and replicated art work of Australian animals using collage. The Year 4 students then researched their selected animal and created a class book of Australian animal facts.

Reading Strategies

Students have been working on their questioning skills during reading time. We have been working on asking questions that check for understanding.  The students have learnt about four different types of questions.

Problem Solving

The Year 4 students have been working on problem solving and choosing appropriate strategies to match the problems they are faced with. We openly move into the ‘Challenge Zone’ working on our own, before being able to collaborate with our shoulder partners. We understand moving into the learning dip by facing hard problems can be scary, but it is where we do our best learning.

KLUWELL reading app

CSPS students will be using an app in 2022 to track their nightly reading.  All students should have received a printed letter with details on how to access the app and their login and password.  This password can be changed immediately when you log in. If your student has not brought this home, please contact your classroom teacher via email or a note.  See below for the parent information letter.

The Year 3 and 5 students will be taking part in some practice NAPLAN test sessions on Wednesday 16th March and Thursday 24th March. These sessions will be used to familiarise the students with the online platform that they will be using in Term 2. 

NAPLAN dates are from May 10 to May 20, 2022 and will assess the students knowledge in Writing, Reading, Grammar and Spelling and Numeracy.  More information for NAPLAN will follow in early Term 2.  If you would like more information, please see the NAPLAN website