Building and Grounds News

When I take families for a tour of our lovely school, I often ask them to put their 'imagination' glasses on so they can see past the building site and the temporary fencing. As we head nearer to the completion of some of the planned changes I would like to celebrate some of the new spaces we have planned.

New Play Equipment 

The new equipment arrived and caused a HUGE stir in the yard!  The students were so excited. Thanks to Rotary and the PFA for their donation to our new play equipment.

The Hub - Library and Google Studio are open for business

The HUB space has undergone a big renovation and is now open for business. Students have excitedly headed to the Google Studio and Library this week.  While the space still has some work to be completed, it is taking shape and looks fabulous.  We will be celebrating the opening of the Hub with a Book Fair, Tuesday 15th till Thursday 17th of March and a match the staff member to their favorite picture story book competition.  

Capital Works News 

The new building has been undergoing a transformation in the last couple of weeks with the bricks being laid.  The bricks have added a new dimension to the building site. Students were asked to guess how many bricks it will take to complete the build.  Mr Corcoran has been collating the answers and will announce a winner VERY soon! Guesses have included millions to hundreds of millions. What do you think?

Shade sail grant

CSPS have been successful in receiving two grants for additions to our school yard.


1. We have been successful in receiving a grant for a shade sail to be installed outside the Gallery space from the The School Shade Sails Fund . 

The aim of the Fund is to help schools maximise the use of their outdoor learning areas and environments by creating new safe and shaded outdoor learning spaces in schools to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Stay tuned for the installation of the shade sail VERY soon!

2. CSPS has been successful in obtaining a grant to build a bike shed in between the Year 1 and Year 2 classrooms.  We are in the planning stage of this exciting development and seeking quotes. We look forward to this build beginning.

Unfortunately, on the weekend of the 5th and 6th of March, we had some vandalism in the school yard and some of the new play equipment has been damaged.  Although it was not too bad, it is extremely disappointing to have visitors come in on the weekend and cause havoc.  Rubbish bins were thrown on the roof and panels were ripped off the small sheds behind the main building.  We need the help of the community to keep an eye on the property and use the grounds in a respective manner. The installation of CCTV equipment has been factored into the Capital Works project, which will increase security measures around the school.  Any misbehaviour outside of school hours, please report to the appropriate authorities.