Principal Class News

We have had a number of positive comments and pleasing feedback with the choice of the bricks for the new building.  The variety of textures and colours was very intentional.  The overarching effect was to emphasise the natural colours of our surroundings, like the yellow of wattle, the terra cotta of bottlebrush and the general earthiness of the Australian landscape.

Each brick is unique; no brick is exactly the same as the other.  The indentations are different.  The patterns are different.  The way the bricks aligned are different.  

Just like kids.  No two kids are exactly alike. That is what makes our role as educators so incredible.  But one thing does stay the same; kids are kids wherever you go.  They make us smile, grimace, laugh, cry, feel frustrated and feel ecstatic... all in one day.  

May you look at your kids as being the most unique and special individuals that they are, and that without them, our school would not be the same.

Monique Corcoran & Karen Halket

Principal class

'I Sea and Care' program for Casey kids 

Eleven schools in the City of Casey are seeking to foster an appreciation for preserving the marine environment and develop leadership skills by participating in this year’s ‘I Sea I Care’ marine ambassador program.

To read more, refer to link.

Proud Principal moment


At the Regional Principal forum 220222, ex CSPS student Shardae Boon, student now at Cranbourne Secondary College (CSC), presented in front of 30 Principals in the Casey South Network. She highlighted her positive experiences in the empowering learners program at CSC. 

I was so thrilled to see Shardae be such a strong and confident individual.

Harmony Week celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity.

It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.​ Now more than ever everyone needs to work to respect each other.  Students will participate in a variety of activities throughout the week to complement Bullying No Way day and Harmony week.

School Council met on Wednesday 9th March on site.  Some notables discussions points include: 

  • Welcome to new School Council member; Jessica Curphey 
  • Congratulations to the following elected in office bearers; Jodi Price (President), John Barbaressos (Vice President), Elaine Doughty (Secretary)
  • Endorsement of 2021 Annual Implementation Plan (AIP)
  • Implications for managing onsite learning during COVID outbreaks and learning from home during isolation
  • Student leader presentation by School Captains; Asher Boon Ruby Ogden 
  • Formation of Sub Committees; Education, Finance, Buildings and Grounds, Governance
  • Early dismissal times for the last day of Term 1 - Term 3 is 2.30pm and Term 4, 1.30pm

Sub Committees

Did you know that you can join a Sub Committee without being a member of School Council?  Buildings and Grounds are ALWAYS looking for people to join and assist in projects and needs for the school.  Please contact the school for further information.


School Governance 

All policies can be found here:

Please become familiar with the additional policies that were endorsed at the last school council meeting:

Free Camps and Activities from the Victorian Government

Eligible Victorian students can attend a free holiday camp with the Positive Start program.

Positive Start holiday camps will run in the 2022 school holidays.

Holiday camps are a great way for your child to get outdoors, meet new friends and try new things. Holiday camps are generally organised by age range. Each day is full of active and fun things to do, such as archery, canoeing and ropes courses.

Whether a single overnight experience or spending several nights away, taking part in a school holiday camp program is a great way for your child to try new things, make new friends and enjoy active time in the great outdoors.

Camps offer clean and comfortable shared accommodation, a range of professionally led activities suitable for your child’s age and experience and, of course, plenty of tasty and nutritious food.

Students who meet one or more of the following criteria are eligible to attend a free holiday camp:

  • attend a school that experienced closures of 5 days or more due to COVID-19 in 2021
  • have an approved (CSEF) application for 2022
  • have a parent that holds a valid means-tested concession card (for example a Health Care Card, Job Seeker, Newstart Allowance, Disability Support Pension)
  • are in out of home care
  • have a disability
  • are from a refugee background
  • are Koorie students
  • are in the Navigator program.

DET has worked directly with camp providers to secure spots on holiday programs for eligible families.


These camps are completely free of charge to eligible families. It will not cost you anything for your child to attend the camp. Please find more information at the link below. 

Working with Children Check Requirements

In line with our Visitors Policy (ratified at by the School Council 06/05/2020) & Volunteers Policy (ratified at by the School Council 09/09/2020), visitors/volunteers must sign in at the office and produce a valid WWCC. 

This also includes volunteering in the classroom/school grounds and on excursions.  Please see attached for copies of the Visitors Policy and Volunteers Policy.


Working with Children Checks can be applied for on a volunteer basis for no cost.  If you would like further information on how to apply for a WWCC please go to the Working with Children website 

If you currently hold a valid WWCC, or once you have applied for one, please email a copy to


If a card you have presented to the office has recently expired please ensure you email an updated copy to

Child Safe;  Standard 7: Strategies to promote child participation and empowerment

Child FIRST and family services.  

Child FIRST is an easily accessible, community-based point of entry for children, young people and families needing support.  Some families need  family services support when they are experiencing difficulties that impact on their parenting and family life.  Child FIRST (Child and family information, referral and support teams) are the entry point into family services. Child FIRST teams are located in sites across Victoria and is delivered in your local area by community service organisations.  Child FIRST, as the access point for family services, is progressively transitioning to The Orange Door.

What is the Orange Door?

The Orange Door is the new access point for women, children and young people who are experiencing family violence or families who need assistance with the care and wellbeing of children to access the services they need to be safe and supported.  For more information, visit The Orange Door website.  Family services aim to promote the safety, stability and development of vulnerable children, young people and their families, from birth to 17 years of age, by providing case work service and linking families with relevant support services. Anyone with a concern for a child or family wellbeing can make a referral to Child FIRST. Referrals can be made for vulnerable children, young people (0 to 17 years) and their families, including families with an unborn child.

Support programs include Family Services, Early Parenting Centre Services and Cradle to Kinder.


Child Protection

You should contact Child Protection if you have reasonable grounds for believing a child has suffered or is suffering significant harm.