Moving towards CIS accreditation.

Firstly, a very warm welcome to all of our year 7 students. It was lovely seeing them excited for their first day and enthusiastic to begin their secondary school journey. Additionally, we welcome new and existing students, staff and families. We begin another year hopeful that our community will remain strong, united and supportive of each other. Undoubtedly, we’ll continue to be affected by the ongoing impact of the pandemic, however, we have already demonstrated that when we work together there is not much that, as a community, we are unable to achieve. 


This year we will continue to push forward with whole school improvement. Our college will be undertaking two key self-improvement processes this year. One is our ‘School Review’ and the other is the ‘Council of International Schools (CIS) Self- Study.’ 


The School Review is designed to look back at the goals and targets we set out in our previous four-year School Strategic Plan (SSP) and identify areas of strengths, and those in which improvements can be made. The review is focussed on student outcome measures, including those for academic performance as well as student school perception and wellbeing elements. This process occurs at the conclusion of each SSP and will produce a draft SSP for years 2022-2025. Once this document is completed and endorsed by our College Council, we can then construct our Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) for 2022. The AIP is constructed at the local school level, (although it must be signed off by the DET) and sets out the goals and activities for that year in support of achieving the overall SSP.


The CIS Self-Study is the next step in the process of seeking CIS Accreditation. Considering the disruptive, past two years, it would be prudent to provide a brief summary and update to members of our community, unfamiliar with what the Council of International Schools (CIS) is, and why our college would be seeking accreditation.


The award of CIS International Accreditation demonstrates that a school:

  • is devoted to its mission and vision for students
  • has thought deeply about the services it offers to students, family and community

Choosing to undertake this process systematically compels us to review and closely examine (with the purpose of ongoing improvement) our teaching and learning, governance and management, staff recruitment, student support services, facilities and resources and student and community life (everything).

Additionally- accreditation & membership can provide us with support and access to like-minded peers as well as assist us in the development of challenging programmes for our students by:

  • having access to new international educational practices, 
  • gain recognition for accomplishments, 
  • attract qualified staff,
  • facilitate student connections with leading universities around the world, 
  • and provide a quality international education experience to students and parents.

We began the CIS Accreditation journey at the beginning of 2020, and as part of this process, we underwent a self- evaluation late in 2020 which included a virtual visit by two CIS Evaluators and whereby we successfully gained CIS Membership. We continued the CIS Accreditation journey in 2021 which culminated in another virtual visit by CIS evaluators, who had the opportunity to chat with students, teachers, education support staff and parents to see how our school operates and to get a fundamental ‘feel’ for our college. 


This year we are continuing the process towards becoming an accredited CIS school and invite our whole community to get involved. Part of the Self-study process involves a comprehensive CIS Community survey which will go out to all members of our community including all staff, students (past and present), parents and members of our college council. This survey is considered an important source of evidence used in the CIS International Accreditation self-study and which can contribute to school improvement.


The survey will be distributed in February via compass so please keep an eye out as your feedback is very much appreciated and valued.


I wish our school community a wonderfully positive and productive 2022. Let’s hold firm, remain steady and stay safe.


Yours sincerely,

Lee Angelidis

Assistant Principal 

Curriculum and Programs