Therapy Themes

O.T, Speech and Physio share their news, tips, and information.

The Yarrabah Coffee Window

The therapists have been making great use of our new coffee window, supporting selected students for café training. The students have been practicing a variety of skills including;

  • social skills- taking orders, providing coffees / hot chocolates to people making orders, interacting with others ‘working’ in the café.
  • communication skills – understanding orders, following steps of the process, delivering their messages, recording orders.
  • self-care skills – hand washing, dish washing, cleaning the space.
  • futures pathway skills – barista coffee frothing, coffee bean grinding and making coffee shots, pouring and delivering coffees.
  • reinforcing school rules – ‘I can be safe’, ‘I can be kind’, ‘I am here to learn’, ‘I am responsible’.

We aim to include more students in the program over the coming year.  The program has shown to be very engaging and motivating for students across many year levels. It’s great to see their engagement and excitement going into this fantastic new and exciting program!