Wellbeing Wrap Up

Wellbeing Wrap Up 

Farewell Kim Baker 

It is with a heavy heart that we farewell Kim Baker from our wellbeing team at Lara Secondary College. Kim has been an integral part of the school community for the past seven years and we know he will be sorely missed by students, staff and families. Kim has a natural ability to connect and develop trust with young people and always goes above and beyond to provide support. We wish him good luck in this next exciting chapter of his career. Be sure to wish Kim well during his last week next week!

Headspace School Workshops 

This week we have had Natalie from Headspace schools delivering workshops to students across all year levels. The workshops aimed to build students understanding about mental health and wellbeing, provided strategies to support their mental health and how to access support when needed. 


Here’s some of the examples of conversations had by students around mental health during the workshops:


‘Mental health is how well you cope with things… and the health of your brain and thoughts. It’s how you feel, your emotions’ 

‘Mental health can be DIS tress or DE stress’ 

‘Mental health is stress, or the lack thereof.. it can also be a bottle of emotions at a calm and moderate amount’

‘Mental Health is what happens in your head, when you’re struggling with something and when you have a lot of stress in your life.. and have good friendships and supportive networks’


Some examples of what helps to reduce students “stress bucket”:


‘Sometimes, when I’m really angry, I just punch my punching bag and it really helps’

‘I look back over happy pictures and memories’

‘Use emotional movies to help me express my own emotions’

‘I use self-talk to improve myself, like if I’m feeling insecure’

‘I love going for walks with my pa, or texting him’

‘I’ve divided my mind map into things I do, and things I’d like to start doing’

Tuning into Teens @ LSC Postponed 

Please be advised our Tuning in to Teens program will be rescheduled to Term 4. Watch this space and contact the wellbeing team if you would like to attend.

Quick Help Guide 

As we enter lockdown restrictions and remote learning, we want to remind our school community of supports available to your family. 


Please see below local community services that you may find helpful during this time. 

Remember to reach out to school staff and the wellbeing team if you would like to discuss student support. 


Stay safe and take care over this time.