Students of the Week
Week 1:
Class | Student | Reason |
| Liam | For putting a lot of effort into your work this week. Your animal graph for Maths was particularly impressive. Keep up the great work! |
Casey | For making an excellent start to the new term. You have continued to push yourself during all sessions this week and have produced some amazing work. You have modelled our school values both in the classroom and in the yard. Keep up the great work!
For making a great start to the new term. You have worked hard completing class activities, assessments and staying on task. You have made excellent choices both during class and within the yard. Well done Casey! |
12W |
Justice | For making a great start to the new term. You have worked very hard on making sure you are sitting quietly on the floor and trying your best in every activity assigned to you. |
23R | Jacob | For a great start to term 3. You quicky settled back into the school routine and you are always are cheerful, willing helper. |
34W | Sharneequah | Wow, you have showed two years growth in your reading according to PAT Reading Test results. Well done! |
45S | Angus | For an astonishing first week back – you have participated in class discussions brilliantly, and your work in both poetry writing and maths has been of an excellent standard! |
| Theodore | For being an excellent role model for your little buddy and other junior students in the school. You modelled all of our school values during this week’s Buddy Session and were instrumental in assisting to create a calm working atmosphere during this lesson. Keep up the great work Teddy!
| For consistently producing quality work and effectively helping others. You showed impressive skills solving a range of practical maths questions. Your ability to visualize questions and correctly solve them is spectacular!
Science | Anna | This week’s Science Award goes to Anna for her outstanding work for the topic of Microbial Life – Bacteria. Anna was able to produce a fantastic 3D model of a Bacterial Cell and accurately name each of the parts. Great job Anna! |
Art | Declan & Declan | For excellent work on your felt emojis. Well done with your sewing and your designs. |
Values Rohan | Matty | This week’s Values award goes to a student who is always willing to help others and demonstrate the School Values. Matty went above and beyond this week to help younger students who were feeling sad or lonely in the yard and offered to kick a ball with students who didn’t have anyone to play with. Great job Matty! |
Week 2:
| Seth & Benny | For you great effort during remote learning! It has been wonderful to see you working on many different tasks at home and eagerly sharing them. Keep up the great work.
| Chloe | For completing all set tasks within Seesaw and Compass. We have really enjoyed seeing your photos and reading your poems. You should be so proud of all you have achieved. Keep up the hard work. |
12W | Harmony | For completing all you set tasks on Seesaw and Compass. I have really enjoyed seeing all your work displayed on seesaw and you have also spoken very confidently while sharing your work on our daily zoom calls. |
23R | Sophia | For working hard on her Home Learning tasks and for confidently sharing some of her work during our Zoom sessions. |
34W | Declan | You are doing a great job submitting tasks in compass during remote learning. Keep it up! |
45S | Isaac | For a spectacular week of Home-Learning Isaac – you have completed all your learning tasks well, and you smashed more than 2000 points in Mathletics too! Very well done!
| Ashanti | For approaching your remote learning tasks with a positive ‘can do’ attitude; you have adapted to your new school in an efficient and responsible way both during onsite and remote learning. You have completed more than just the required tasks this week and have done so to a high standard. Excellent work Ashanti!
| While at school during remote learning, you have assisted others and successfully completed your learning tasks. You used an appropriate format to create an interesting and entertaining diamante poem, which you expressively recited during a Teams meeting. A fantastic effort!
Science | Angus | This week’s Science award goes to a motivated student who has produced outstanding work for two topics – Friction and Forces. Angus also won the class challenge where he produced the fastest rolling aluminium can, using different materials to increase its mass and inertia, as well as, reducing friction. Great job Angus! |
Music | Tyeisha | Well done with getting your Music tasks done this week. Well done Tyeisha.
Week 3:
| Lenny | For excelling in your Maths work during remote learning and in school this week. Your Days of the Week work was particularly impressive. You should be very proud of yourself! |
| Matilda | For persevering with your learning throughout the home-schooling period and transitioning flawlessly back into the school routine. You continue to develop your self discipline and the school values. Keep up the great work |
12W | Isabelle | For sharing her work confidently with the class and consistently pushing herself to get as much work done as she can in the set task. |
23R | April | For consistently putting in 100% effort in all learning tasks. You are a wonderful role model to other students. Keep up the great work! |
34W | Brodie | For helping learn a new skill on my iPad. You explained the skill perfectly. Top job! |
| Tyrell | For planning and writing a poem with a predictable rhythm and rhyming pattern. The simple rhyme of the first two lines did not prepare the reader for the emotional depth of the second two lines – a surprising and effective twist that was beautifully executed! Well done Tyrell!
Asha | For always having a responsible, positive attitude to learning. You willingly assist others and use excellent time management strategies. Asha, you also submitted quality work during remote learning situations.
Science | Edith , Carly & Ash-Lee | These students worked exceptionally well during the topic of Physics – Friction. They were able to make the slowest rolling soft drink can in the class, which demonstrated a sound understanding of the topic. Well done girls! |
Art | Jett & Emilia | ART - For completing your ‘Felt Emoji’ in one single lesson. Well done with your sewing skills and your design.
Music | Edith | MUSIC – For a great lesson in Music this week. You have showed enthusiasm for activities and have been working hard. Well done Edith.
Values Rohan | Madi | This week’s Values award goes to a student who is always willing to help others and demonstrate the School Values. Madi worked to the best of her ability during class and was an exceptional listener. Great work Madi!
Readers of the Week 1:
| Harmony | For challenging yourself with C books! You should be proud of yourself. |
| Mia | For continuing to read every day and night both independently and aloud to others. You have taken your passion for reading to the next level by signing up to the MS Readathon. Keep up the mazing work Mia! |
12W | Ryan | For always making the most of our Independent Reading time by staying focused on your books. |
23R | Emily | For a wonderful effort in reading. Emily has worked hard to make a wonderful improvement in her reading skills. |
34W | Kayden | 'Reading to Self' so well every day in class. |
45S | Tamika | The most marvellous attitude to reading – which is also helping to shape you as a creative writer! |
| Noah | For choosing books you are passionate about |
| Taesharn
| For being a very passionate poet! You wrote an interesting and descriptive poem, which explained your thoughts clearly. Taesharn you also read your poem to the class in an expressive way.
Readers of the Week 2:
| Jordan | For trying new books on Epic this week. Keep up the great work! |
| Jemma | For continuing to develop your reading strategies using both Reading Eggs and class home learning tasks. Keep up the amazing work |
12W | Zoey | For continuing to develop her reading skills and completing all her reading activities during remote learning |
23R | Phoebe | For becoming a more confident reader by practising the skills she has been taught. |
45S | Mia | Some really pleasing work completed promptly and to a very high standard in the Reading Eggspress Library this week!
| Tyeisha | For writing and then reciting with feeling a heartfelt poem during our Teams meeting.
| For being a passionate poet! You wrote an interesting and descriptive diamante poem, which explained your thoughts clearly. During our Teams meeting you also read your poem to the class in an expressive way. Fantastic effort! |
Readers of the Week 3:
| Hunter | For being so enthusiastic about your reading. Keep up the great work! |
| Paige | For being a committed reader throughout the home-schooling period and always showing an amazing home reading log. Keep up the amazing work |
12W | Madi | For always staying focused on your books and making the most of our Guided Reading sessions. |
23R | Jake | For making great progress with his reading comprehension skills. |
34W | Declan
Blade | For exploring the Reading Eggspress Library and discovering four new poems. Well done!
For exploring the Reading Eggspress Library so well. So pleased you able to find a wide range of poetry to explore. Superb effort!
| Sienna | For making thoughtful and accurate predictions when reading.
| For being a passionate poet! Charlotte, you wrote an interesting and descriptive poem that explained your thoughts clearly and in detail. During our Teams meeting you read your poem to the class in an expressive way.