

Lockdown Wellbeing Support

Please know you can reach out if you require support during lockdown, we may not be able to help solve every case directly but we will do our very best to support and forward you on to the many contacts the school has to help guide you to the best possible support. Feel free to contact Rachel or Ben for additional support.


HS Family Wellbeing

With the challenges we face as parents in the current climate, please answer this anonymous survey to help us gain a greater perspective of our current Wellbeing challenges. 


With this data we aim to explore ways to provide greater support for the wellbeing of our families. Please click the link below:

Family Wellbeing Survey


STAR NEWS (Behaviour Update)

A new initiative called STAR News has begun at our school with great positive feedback from both staff and students from our first whole school video call in Term 2.


Upon returning from lockdown, each Monday morning at 10:50, before recess, all classes login to a video call that focusses on STAR behaviour goals and re-teaching of some key areas of need for our students. During this time, we share our running tally of Dojo and Gotcha points where the winning level each term is rewarded with an extra recess. Term 2 winners were the 1/2s who enjoyed their reward in Week 1 of Term 3. Well done 1/2s keep up the great work! 


This is now reset and a new term long challenge for an extra recess begins! We are exploring ways to include our Parent community in this initiative.


Digital Norms Committee 

A big thanks to all parents who filled out the parent survey about digital device use at home. Our Digital Norms commitee will be unpacking this data, using expert advice and research and creating some digital recommended norms for our community to help with the challenges in our survey. 


UpSchool Website Content

Our website has partnered with Digital Schools to include UpSchool to our website. This is a space for videos and digital content to help support our community in different areas of their childs learning life. This includes teacher specific videos for learning, getting ready for school, wellbeing and other areas. We also have partnered with some external companies to create content, for example Inform and Empower have added a post for us around the importance of 'Green Time' which we highly recommend viewing, link here.


Please check out the rest of the UpSchool content on our website for more videos and content to help support our students and parents. 


Wellbeing Data

We have completed our collected of mid year wellbeing data and will begin analying this over coming weeks. This will help guide our teaching staff to create a Semester 2 wellbeing teaching plan to best support our student needs.

Both our semester plan and data will be shared with our community very shortly. 


Resilience Project Parent Videos

Parent Education Resilience Project Video 1: Introduction

Parent Education Resilience Project Video 2:


Parent Education Resilience Project Video 3:


Parent Education Resilience Project Video 4:


Parent Education Resilience Project Video 5: Conclusion


Imperfects Podcast

The Imperfects podcasts which is run by our Resilience Project team, Hugh Van Culenberg have just completed an episode with one of the Australia's leading paediatrician - Dr Bill Garvey (74 minutes).Really recommend a listen to all parents, especially in current climate. Dr Garvey has a 2.5 year waiting list to give an insight into how impressive he is.



Free Parent Workshop: Taming Technology

Free Parent Home Learning Webinar

Support your child’s learning and help get their spark back

Andrew Fuller - Clinical Psychologist, Author and Family Therapist


·       2 additional free webinars (Monday 26 @ 1-2pm or Tuesday 27 July @ 5.30 - 6.30pm)

·       each webinar is capped at 500 participants

·       webinars are not able to be recorded

·       registration details below



Monday 26 July 26  @ 1 - 2pm

Register for tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/support-your-childs-learning-and-help-get-their-spark-back-3-tickets-163955391991




Tuesday 27 July 27 @ 5.30 - 6.30pm

Register for tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/support-your-childs-learning-and-help-get-their-spark-back-2-tickets-163954894503


Home schooling and the uncertainty of 2020/21 have left families feeling anxious and perhaps a little overwhelmed.


Clinical psychologist and family therapist Andrew Fuller is holding a webinar which is applicable to every family and empowers parents to guide their children (and themselves) towards success.


Andrew’s webinar will help parents with practical tips on home schooling and show them how to get their kids’ mojo back by finding their particular learning strengths and identifying 10 things highly successful students do to study. He will also help parents to deal with the after-effects of 20/21 with tips and information on how to overcome anxiety in children.


Andrew Fuller combines the latest research from brain science, positive education and resilience to create strength-based education.


There will be a presentation and then the opportunity for parents to ask questions directly.


Take care all,


Ben Lannen

Wellbeing Leader