International Day of Friendship

Friday 30 July

What is it?

International Day of Friendship was designated by the United Nations General Assembly (U.N.). On July 30, we step back and get thankful for these relationships worldwide, as they promote and encourage peace, happiness, and unity. The U.N. encourages governments, community groups, and other organisations to coordinate activities and events that celebrate the friendships that we keep close to us. Many events focus on reconciliation, bridging understanding and consensus, and finding comfort in those friendships that feel like home. Learn more at:



Friendship Statistics:

22% – the percentage of people who live longer if they have a close friendship network. 

2 – the average number of best friends an adult has.

1994 – the year when the hit television show “Friends” first aired.

26% – the percentage of people who come into conflict with their friends over something posted online.

2 times – the likelihood of women with breast cancer dying if they don’t have a network of friends.

9 months – the age at which babies start recognizing friendships.

36% – the percentage of people who quit a habit if their friends quit it too.

7 times – the likelihood of a person being more productive at work if their close friend works there too.

10–25 – the number of hours a week young adults spend socializing.

57% – the percentage of teens who make a close friend online.



Alexis Reinheimer 

Mental Health Practitioner