Sydenham Campus Principal Message

Campus Principal’s Report
Here we are, almost at the end of Term 2 and what a very busy term it has been! It has been a successful term concentrating on our Campus priorities of; an increase in school attendance and connectedness; an increase in positive recognition of student achievement and growth; and, an increase in participation in Student Led Presentations (SLP). We are well on our way to a ‘Champion’ year in 2021.
Our Year 7 and 9 students completed the annual NAPLAN tests, mid-May. These summative tests in Literacy and Numeracy are completed online and results will be available during Term 3. This year, DET will be awarding Year 9 students certificates in recognition of above average growth- we are hoping that many of our Year 9 students will receive these.
Year 8 students missed out on their year 7 camp in 2020. This year, these students enjoyed a wonderful 3 days at PGL Campaspe Downs. They were very appreciative of the opportunity and their behaviour was excellent.
Year 7 students also attended a camp in the last week of May. The first day of the camp was very cold but the students had a great time- the toasting of marshmallows and bonfire shared with the students from Kings Park made for a wonderful end to the first night. Unfortunately, the imminent lockdown was announced on the second day. Camp and school staff commented on how quickly and diligently students packed up to come home. We thank Mr Andrew Atherton for his organisation, enthusiasm, stamina and leadership on these two camps.
We welcomed students and staff back to campus last Friday. The 2 weeks of remote teaching and learning reminded us how much we missed seeing each other. During the first week, we made a short video to send to students encouraging them to stay connected and involved during this latest lockdown phase.
The lockdown also delayed the planned Delahey Experience Day for our Year 10 students. This event has been rescheduled for later in the year. Year 9 and Year 10 students and their families were invited to an online 2022 Course Information Evening. This event continues the Pathways counselling for students, assisting them with information and support as they make choices for the next part of their studies. Thank you to Ms Jenny Zahra- Pathways Sydenham. Parents and families are encouraged to speak with Jenny if they have any questions about student pathways.
Year 9 and 10 students have also been completing end of semester exams over the last few days. The lockdown delayed the start of these exams, but students have responded well and taken them in their stride. Year 10 students got their first taste of exams replicating VCAA rules and setting by sitting their exams in the gym.
Ms Mary Chiodo and Mr Michael Gruis
Campus Principals