Kings Park News

C & T Team News
It is hard to believe that at the end of this week we are half way through the school year. It has again been a tough semester that has included two snap lockdowns, surveys, testing, exams, excursions, incursions and a school review to name a few. We would like to congratulate the students, parents, carers, teachers, administration and other members of the school community for their flexibility and resilience this semester through some tough times. In general the way that the majority of students were able to adapt in such a short period of time to remote learning 4.0 left us is awe of their ability to deal with the massive changes. Thankfully the lockdown was only two weeks in length, but it was pleasing to have the majority of our Year 9 and 10 students logged onto the WebEx classes and actively participating in remote learning. A very big thankyou also to the parents and carers for your support and understanding during this time.
The last week has seen both the Year 9 and 10 students undertake their mid-year exams. Year 10 students completed their core subject examinations as one group in the school gym. We had just over 88% of our Year 10 students undertake their first ever exams. Many of the students were nervous about completing their first exams, but the experience will stand them in good stead for the rigors of Year 11 and Year 12. It was also the first time to complete exams for our Year 9 students. We hope that both Year 9 and 10 students will be able to take away some valuable learnings from their experience.
Subject Selections
In Term 3, both Year 9 and Year 10 students will be making their subject selections for 2022. It is important that Year 9 students work with Ms. Francke, Ms. Tauber and Mr. Rankin to get their subject selections completed on time to ensure they are able to study the subjects they want. Year 10 students will need to make sure they attend the Career classes with Ms. Bella Moore and then the one on one sessions to make sure they choose the correct subjects for their future pathway. Certain career pathways require specific subjects to be studied at VCE level. If you are unsure, please make an appointment to see Ms. Bella Moore.
Delahey Experience Day
The Delahey experience day for Year 10 students had to be postponed due to the lockdown. This day will be running at a later date that will be announced to students and families soon.
Important dates for Term 3 are:
12 July – Start of Term 3
19 July – 20 August – Parent Survey period
28 – 30 July – Gala
4 August – Deadline for student course preferences 10 into 11.
10 of August – Curriculum Day
2 – 3 September – Student Led Presentations
8 September – VCAL Project Presentations (Year 10 Students intending on studying VCAL in 2022 will be invited)
13 - 17 September – Year 10 Tasmania Camp
15 September – Music Concert
17 September – End of Term 3
Wishing our Copperfield Community a very safe Winter Break. Please remember to stay safe during these continued unknown times. Remember to maintain your social distancing for the safety of you, your family and the wider school community.
Ms Jade Tauber
C-Team Leader
Ms Jess Francke
T-Team Leader
Mr Bradley Rankin
Year 9/10 Campus Leader