Kings Park Campus Principal Message

Kings Park Principal Report
Attitudes to School Survey
We completed this important student opinion survey with all of our students on April 29. The data that is aggregated from this survey and provided back to us helps us highlight areas of concern and allows us to monitor improvements in student opinion that we seek through our strategic plans. We have followed up all students who missed out on completing the survey and our participation rate is approximately 90% across all levels. We look forward to the data when it is available..
Resilient Youth Survey
All the students at our campus completed this survey also. Sponsored by the Brimbank City Council it will provide important student wellbeing information for both the Council and the school. We have previously used the ACER 6 STAR Survey in 2019 to establish some baseline data particularly focussed on evaluating our students’ resilience. After 2020 and along with the continuous upheaval of the pandemic we welcome any information concerning our students’ mental health and wellbeing. We have had a preliminary look at the responses and will report more on this later.
Owing to the latest Remote Learning period, Year 10 and Year 9 completed formal examinations in English, Maths, Science and LOTE. Classroom teachers were encouraged to offer adjusted examinations in other curricular areas. These exams aim to give students some real experience of learning how to cope and achieve in these pressure packed situations that become so important later in a secondary student’s time at school.
New staff
Welcome Karen Gibson (Student Attendance and Events Officer), Craig Toole (Maintenance) , Tanya Hempshall (School Nurse), Mariam Hussein, Tluang Lausaw (Community Liaison), Jane Williamson (Student Wellbeing Officer).
Year 8 Camp Campaspe Downs
Approximately eighty year 8 students attended the two night camp at Campaspe Downs. Great weather and loved by staff and students.
Year 7 Camp Campaspe Downs
Approximately forty or so year 7 students attended camp. Weather conditions were not nearly as good and this camp was prematurely ended on Thursday and not Friday due to the impact of COVID.
Building and Grounds
- Repairs to the back fence have been completed.
- The tram is being removed in the first week of the school holidays.
- We are currently exploring using our allocated funding for improvements to the KP administration building.
Engagement Programs for Term 3 and 4
Charis Mentoring
Pasifika Program is a weekly program that finishes this term for a group of year 8 and year 9 with an ‘Islander’ cultural background. Charis Mentoring meets our students in the library on a Friday. This program uses the strengths of Pasifika Cultures to strengthen cultural identity, build resilience and support educational engagement.
‘MENTOA’ is a 12 session mentoring program that is designed to support students to lead and engage in their school learning environment, through the vehicle of Rugby. This program focuses on improving the engagement of year 9 and 10 students by building their leadership skills, cultural identity, resilience and their ability to make positive life choices.
R Rated Program with Good Shepherd
The R Rated program is running at Copperfield Secondary College over Terms 2 and 3. The program focuses on having real talk conversations to better student’s awareness and understanding of self-care and respectful relationships.
Each workshop provides a safe environment for students to talk, listen and share information on topics related to the transition to adulthood, with a focus on inter-personal peer relationships within the school environment.
The program is created and delivered by The Incremental Project and is funded by School Focused Youth Services. As part of the funding requirements, Good Shepherd and the Incremental Project will be evaluating the program. The students will complete an anonymous survey and can choose to tell their story for the evaluation report.
Victorian High Ability Program
In Term 1 we offered the program to Year 8 students and Term 2 for Year 7 students.
Term 3 we will be working with a new group of students that have been identified as high ability from each of Year 7 and 8. These students are working together in the learning centre.
Mr Mark Nugent and Mr Lance Petherick
Campus Principals