Sydenham News

Year 7 Camp
Although it wasn't 3 days, the year 7 camp was still an amazing experience. We arrived at school bright and early at 8:30am and left for Kyneton at around 10:00. After an hour on the bus everyone was pumped and ready for the activities when we arrived. Dropping our bags off at the barn, we went for a tour around the camp. After the tour we had lunch and gathered for our first activities. There were a range of different activities including Giant swing, leap of faith, archery, abseiling, flying fox and orienteering. We were working with our classmates to solve problems and helping each other overcome fears. When the activities were over students went to their cabins and had free time until dinner. Dinner arrived and we lined up in the dining room to receive our food. After a delicious meal we rugged up and headed to the fire pit. When we arrived, the fire was lit and we sat down on the logs. After singing a couple songs we were given two marshmallows each which we roasted over the fire pit. We sat down for one last song and then headed back to our cabins and got ready for bed. The night seemed to drag on as we tried to get some sleep. Finally the morning arrived and we had breakfast and went to our next 2 activities. On our second activity we got the dreaded news that no one wanted to hear, we're going home due to lockdown. The next 30 min we rushed to pack our bags and get ready for the early bus trip home. We boarded the buses, saddened that the camp was cut short. Overall the year 7’s enjoyed the short time they got on camp. We all thank the teachers and school for organising this experience.
Angus 7H3
Ms Tara Causer
H Team Leader
Year 8 Camp Memories by Claudia, Emersyn, Ihi, Savahna, and Jasper.
On the 19 May, we departed Copperfield College, Sydenham to attend Year 8 Camp at PGL Campaspe Downs. We were super excited and on behalf of the year 8 cohort who attended the camp, we would like to thank Mr Atherton for being able to give us the camp we lost in 2020. We would also like to thank our teachers, Miss Causer, Miss Nguyen, Miss Chung, Miss Ramirez, Mr Murphy and Mr Burnett for coming along and helping us create memorable memories over the three days. Our advice for future campers is simple, give every activity your best shot and push yourself! You don’t have to go all the way to the top but you can walk away with that good feeling knowing that you tried. Here are some of our favourite memories of camp.
Claudia – 8H3
What I enjoyed about Year 8 Camp was developing new friendships with people I do not usually speak to at school. My favourite activity at camp was the Flying Fox because I was fortunate enough to have gone on it FIVE times! The activity I found most challenging was The Leap Of Faith because it was quite high and there wasn’t much support besides some rope and a belaying team. However, I trusted my peers in the belaying team and gave the activity my best shot! My advice for future campers is to do all the activities and push yourself to the fullest, try your best not to bail out on things!
Emersyn – 8H3
Camp was fun and the food was amazing! I enjoyed the variety of activities that PGL Campaspe Downs had to offer, but my favourite was the Flying Fox and canoeing. What I liked about canoeing was the rowing itself, and watching people fall into the lake. Another memory that I was being able to have free time with my friends in our cabins. An activity that challenged me was the Leap Of Faith because I don’t like jumping from heights. I didn’t go all the way to the top, but this activity tested my limits and I gave it my best go. The advice I would give to future Year 7 campers is to give every activity your best shot, You don’t have to go all the way but test your limits because you will be amazed about how much you can do.
Ihi – 8H4
Year 8 Camp was surprisingly fun. To be honest, at the beginning of camp, I didn’t want to go because I thought it would be boring but it wasn’t. Camp was a really good way to get me out of the house and into nature. My favourite memory was when my canoe flipped, and Kalista and I fell out of it within 5 minutes of the activity starting. I hated it at first because I got wet but it made me laugh at the end. I thought the food was going to be like the ones they show in movies, but it turned out to be was really good. My most scariest activity was also my favourite, which was canoeing because I didn’t know what to do and I was scared to fall into the water. My advice to all future year 7 campers is to honestly enjoy it and make new friends. I really want to go back to camp!!!
Savahna – 8H4
My favourite memory of camp was watching Ihi and Kalista fall into the water and making new friendships with fellow year 8s. My favourite activities were canoeing and doing the Flying Fox. The canoeing was hard at first, but I got used to it. Another activity I got to do FOUR times was the Flying Fox! The activity I found most challenging was abseiling as the stairs had very big gaps between them, but I made it to the top and tried! My advice to future campers is to enjoy camp as much as you can!
Jasper – 8H5
Camp was fun in the way of challenging yourself with heights to canoeing in the lake for the first time, there were so many activities to do. When we arrived, everyone was so eager to get into their cabins and I was one of them. One thing I enjoyed the most was the food! My favourite activity was the Flying Fox. The activity I found most challenging was the abseiling, walking down from the top made my hands sweaty but I gave it a shot! My advice to future year 7s is to enjoy every part of camp, especially the food!
Ms Celine Chung