From the Heads of Boarding

This week we have all be confronted with the realities of our COVID world again. As holiday and Country Week plans have changed, been lost or adapted, we know the resilience of the young people in our boarding communities is required once again. Disappointment was palpable last Sunday, as the buses returned from Country Week, only making it as far as Arthur River before discovering the week of sport and fun had been cancelled. We understand and empathise with the students over their disappointment and look forward to helping them celebrate and build memories in other ways. It has been great to see the hockey teams joining with Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School and Bethel Christian School this week for games and a dinner. 


It was wonderful to have two of our boarders represented at this year's Foundation Day assembly.  Both Faith Bin Omar, Year Nine and William Penny, Year Twelve were involved in providing stories of the school's history and celebrating this important milestone.

The amazing resilience of our young people was also on display last week, when an incredible storm went through Albany and Denmark, wreaking havoc. As we navigated the loss of power, hot water and flushing toilets, students demonstrated their resilience and good humour. We appreciated the support of parents, as we used the Boarding Parent Committee members to distribute information and updates. Students were able to enjoy wearing their Oodies, playing card games by lanterns and spending more time chatting and socialising together. We were thankful when the power returned on Monday night and the water levels around the boarding houses diminished with little damage. 

We have enjoyed an action-packed term and hope that all families get to regenerate and spend time together over the holidays. Looking forward to joining you all again on Monday 19 July. As there are Parent Teacher Interviews (PTIs) on Monday afternoon, the boarding houses will be opening earlier to assist you with these arrangements. The boarding house will be open from 1.30pm so that boarders can return whilst their parents/caregivers are at PTIs.  An email will be sent out prior to boarding reopening to let families know.


As you all know Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is an important factor to be considered in all areas of the School. It is our responsibility to ensure everyone lives within a safe environment. It was recently brought to our attention that some boarders had taken the castors off their bed bases, moved heaters off the walls or placed furniture in front of heaters. We have asked all students to keep their bedrooms arranged in a manner that respects OSH. Some students found it quite difficult to understand these requirements and we would appreciate your support in helping them to understand all matters of OSH.


We are constantly talking about respect in all Houses and have high expectations around respect for people, property and places. Australian of the Year, Mr David Morrison, made the statement, “the standard you walk past is the standard you accept”. We are encouraging each of the young people in boarding to respect the people they live with and the houses they live in. We are very fortunate to have a dedicated cleaning staff who assist us, on a daily basis, to keep our boarding houses clean. However, this does not negate individual student responsibility to keep their rooms in an orderly fashion and tidy up after themselves. We ask that all students show respect and appreciation to those who care for us in boarding and ensure we positively contribute to each boarding house. 

Kingfisher Fair

The Kingfisher Fair is not too long away, and we need your help. Boarding will be running a chocolate wheel with prizes on offer. We are looking for boarding families to donate prizes for the chocolate wheel. Please send these back to school with your student after the holidays. Here are some ideas to help you choose something for the prize baskets:

  • gardening and hardware
  • giftware
  • arts
  • sporting
  • gourmet/pampering

Additionally, the students of Breaksea and Endeavour are going to make various types of Rocky Road and sell these in hand-painted jars. We are looking for donations of large, empty Moccona jars (see picture). Please send in any jars that you have collected to Breaksea House. 


Ms Vanessa Bromhead | Head of Senior Boarding

Mrs Tara Ball | Head of Middle Boarding