Principal's Update 

Dear Parents and Carers,


It has been wonderful to see a return to face to face teaching this week and to welcome students back to school.


As a staff, we are very mindful of the challenges remote learning presents for families and the importance of maintaining connection with students.  In the event we return to remote learning, our school will be delivering a blended model of paper and online activities.  At school, teachers will be supporting students to manage the transition between school and home learning.  This will include building familiarity with SeeSaw and activities such as how to access videos, respond to online tasks and upload photos of their work.  To assist this process, all families are asked to ensure they have a 2021 login to the SeeSaw Learning platform and are able to communicate with their child’s teacher. If you are experiencing any difficulties with this process, please contact the school for assistance.


Unfortunately, due to ongoing restrictions, this year’s planned Wodonga Winter Sports has now been cancelled. All families who have paid for this will have their account credited.  If you have any concerns or questions regarding this, please contact the office.


Under the current restrictions, the start date for our skiing program has been postponed while we seek further clarification and advice from the Department of Education. 


Thank you to those families who have returned the skipping ropes that were sent home last week.  It is great to hear how much students and families engaged with this activity, particularly while the weather was so wet.  Students will be regularly practising their skipping over the coming weeks, in preparation for Jump Rope for Heart ‘Jump Off’, which we will hold on Wednesday the 8th of September.  Students who haven’t yet returned their skipping ropes are asked to please return them to their classroom teacher by Monday 2nd August.


August is almost upon us, which means there is just two weeks until Book Week!  As a school, we will be celebrating with lots of great activities, including a special Celebration Day and Parade on Friday 13th August.  All students are encouraged to join in the fun and to come dressed as their favourite book character.


Over the next few weeks, our school will be participating in a triennial school review as part of the development of a new School Strategic Plan.  A parent focus group will be conducted online via zoom on Monday the 2nd of August from 6.00-6.45pm.  This will be led by the school reviewer.  If you would like to contribute to this process, please contact the office before 3pm tomorrow.


Under current restrictions, school are required to limit access onsite to essential visitors only.  All school events, gatherings and assemblies are also required to be deferred or held remotely.  As a result, this Friday’s assembly will be conducted online, with students participating from their classrooms.