The Principal's Pen

Welcome back to Term 3 at Cornerstone. This term is normally full of activity and we have seen that already with some significant events just in the first two weeks. Our Primary lap-a-thon and the College Photo Days have had a great level of involvement from our students as well as staff and parents. Thank you to everyone who helps make our College events so enjoyable and positive. There is much more to come so watch out for the information as it comes out.

Our staff devotions are working through the book of Acts, coming to the last part of that book with the end of this month. If you are not familiar with Paul’s journey to Rome in the early days of the Christian church that we read about in Acts, we are reminded that God’s providence can take us on convoluted paths to reach his goals, but also that God is with us on those paths. I hope that we all can lean on God’s comfort and support as we work through and enjoy this term together.