Principal's Report
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back to school for another term of learning and growing. We were so pleased to see our learners engaged and settled enjoying the experiences their teachers are providing. This week is a short term with only 9 weeks. Teachers will be busy writing reports based on the learning the children are demonstrating. Given the shorter term, reports will be sent home in the first week of term 3, with parent teacher interviews held in week 2 of term 3.
Reading at Home: Reading is a fundamental skill that we focus on as a priority at Melton West PS. An interesting fact that has emerged through years of research is about the amount of time children read outside of school and the impact this has on their reading ability. I have included a visual representation that outlines the more children read at home, the more exposure they get to new words, which helps them with their overall learning through having an extensive vocabulary.
Supervision After School: As you may be aware, there is a park on the corner of Coburns Road and West Melton Drive, where a number of students wait for their parents afterschool. Please be aware that the school is not able to provide teacher supervision in this area. I therefore suggest that you consider an alternative location at which your child waits to be picked up. Can I also remind you that we have an After School care facility run by Extend that is safe and well supervised and children can attend at a minimal cost? Please contact the school if you would like further information about Extend. Enrolment Packs are available at the office.
2023 Prep Tours and Enrolments: I will be conducting school tours for parents who have children due to start school next year in Prep. We will begin taking enrolments for 2024 and encourage you to complete an enrolment form if you have a pre-schooler. Please let your friends know to book a tour if their first child is starting school.
Police Survey: Please see attached the Community Sentiment Survey by Victoria Police. Anybody living, working or socialising in Victoria is able to fill this in and it takes less than 5 minutes 😃
We recommend completing the survey as Victoria Police will use all responses to inform local safety plans and organisational priorities.
Safety Around School (School Crossing Supervisors) – a message from the Police: It is of great concern that Police from both Melton and Caroline Springs have seen an escalation of violence and aggression towards School Crossing Supervisors and School Staff monitoring school drop off and pick up. Police would like to remind all drivers that the bottom line is SAFETY. The role of the Crossing Supervisor is there to ensure the roads are safely crossed by all pedestrians and the laws are in place to protect everyone. We have seen reports of appalling behaviour that include serious threats and violence which nobody should be subject to. Some of the infringement notices that can be issued in response to this problematic behaviour are:
- Fail to stop and remain stationary at children’s crossing
- Fail to stop at the stop line when a handled stop sign is displayed, or a pedestrian is entering or on the crossing
- Proceed after stopping when the handheld stop sign is still displayed
- Proceed after stopping while a pedestrian is on or entering the crossing
- Pass stopped vehicle at children’s crossing or pedestrian crossing
All of these offences carry a fine of $454 and 3 demerit points.
Along with this is the illegal and dangerous stopping of vehicles in and around schools, particularly in the afternoon. Whilst it may be frustrating and not convenient, Police are asking that drivers make an effort to legally park their car and to refrain from remaining stationary on road causing traffic to bank up and create a dangerous environment. Walking a short distance to collect your child is far safer that causing a collision that could injury many.
As we move into Term 2 a number of operations will target school zones where infringement notices will be issued to those failing to follow the Road Rules. Some examples of the penalties are:
- Drive motor vehicle on a path, nature strip, traffic island or dividing strip – Penalty $182
- Fail to obey traffic direction given by police officer or authorised person – Penalty $363 & 3 demerit points
- Drive unlawfully in a bicycle lane – Penalty $273
- Stopped contrary to a no parking sign – Penalty $36
- Stopped on a nature strip – Penalty $109
High Levels of Learning for All
Michelle Costa