Message from the Principal

Achieving Excellence Together

Dear Families,


It has been an absolute pleasure welcoming students back to school for Term 2. Our students have recounted some of the wonderful memories they created over the extended autumn break. This term is shorter than usual, made of only 9 weeks. Nonetheless, our students will continue to be engaged in exciting teaching and learning experiences throughout. 


School Photos Update

The 2023 school photos are currently printing with MSP Photography. We will keep families posted on when they can expect to receive the photos.




Thank you to our students and their families for taking the time to ensure each student is in full school uniform each day. Our uniform contributes to the sense of pride and connection we have to the school and each other, making it essential to how we engage students. The cooler weather has begun and it is important that we maintain our uniform standards whilst ensuring students can beat the chill. Our school is fully heated in all indoor spaces ensuring students only require their standard uniform at teaching times. 


In response to our elected leader's proposal last year, we have introduced the APS Student Beanie this year which can be worn in Terms 2 and 3. Students are to only wear the Beanie when outdoors either before/after school or at break times. Beanies can be purchased at the Front Office or through PSW. 


Furthermore, particularly on wet days, students are encouraged to wear a raincoat. It is important that this is safe and appropriate for school which means minimising the number of zippers, logos, or accessories attached to the coat and where possible, plain navy blue in colour. 


Please also be aware that jeans, cargo pants or leggings are not permitted and only tights are accepted under dresses. Your continued support is much appreciated. 


Mother’s and Special Persons Day Stall

Our fundraising subcommittee will be holding a Mother’s Day stall next Thursday 11th of May so that students can make purchases for their mother, grandmother, or special person in preparation for Mother’s Day. Please send money to school with your child on that day.


Prep Enrolments for 2024

Enrolments for Prep Places in 2024 are now being accepted. The process has altered slightly this year in that all interested families must submit an application form before Friday 28 July, 2023. Families who currently live outside of our zone must also apply before this date. Places will be confirmed with families on Friday 11 August 2023. We have already received applications for more than 20% of our available places. You can complete the online application here in less than 5 minutes or print the application form on our website.


How do you think we can continue to improve? 

One of the essential beliefs of our school is to focus on continuous improvement. Our staff focus on this through their work undertaking Learning Improvement Cycles and engaging professional learning and we instill this with our students as part of Learning Super Powers and in our Goal Setting (Ready, Set, Go) Process. But your perspectives can help us continue to grow. If you have an idea on something you think can help make our school even better, or even feel strongly that something we are doing needs to be maintained, we want to know. Send us an email at 


Be sure to join us at our Assembly on the Athletics Track from 2:55pm this coming Monday.


Thank you for helping us Achieve Excellence, Together.