Chess Club

Chess Victoria Secondary Interschool Tournament

On Tuesday 9th May, 39 students from Glen Eira College travelled to Scotch College in Hawthorn to participate in a Chess Victoria secondary interschool tournament. 155 students and 23 teams representing several of Melbourne’s top secondary schools participated in this event, which included 6 teams of students from the College. 


At the conclusion of the tournament, our school’s top scoring team finished in 7th position out of 23 competing teams, which was a very good effort given the high standard of competition. Other Glen Eira College teams also performed competitively, with some of them finishing ahead of several teams from other schools. Well done to all students who represented the College in this tournament, including Pierre Maziarz and Param Dave who each won 5 of their 7 games and were our school’s two highest individual scorers.


The College has qualified to play in two Chess Victoria State Finals events in October of this year and is looking forward to these events with confidence.


Thank you to Mr Eric Bohlen who often gives generously of his time to coach students at Chess Club. Meetings of Chess Club take place twice each week on Tuesdays and Fridays at lunchtime in rooms 110 and 111.



Congratulations to the following students who represented Glen Eira College in this event:


Year 11: Miku Gilmore, Kirk Kodre, Pierre Maziarz, Rishan Porey & Tyler Wisdom


Year 10: Casper Agnew-Mildren, Siva Bollapragada, Jesse Cappel, Param Dave, Benjamin Duieb, Arlo Grimwade, Genevieve Salinas, Saket Samala, 

Arun Sivaraman & Hasini Teddu


Year 9: Hayden Baker, Nicholas Jiang, Antoine Maziarz, Nile Roberts & Kushal Sathish


Year 8: Monako Bernabe, Sharannya Chakravorty, Vasko Gladanac, Ethan Goldman, Sullivan Jordan, Marko Le, Milja Lin, Mitchell Livingstone, Hari Mani, Gabriel Merl, Roque Nator, Miro Nikakis, Ridhi Panuganti, Kristian Piasecki, Pranit Praveen, Audrey Salinas & Qinger Wu


Year 7: Krish Hanagal & Vihanga Wijewardena


Chris Zuccala

Chess Organiser