Faith and Mission

From the Mission Team

Easter Blessings

Easter is a time of renewal, hope, and new beginnings. It is a time when people all over the world celebrate and reflect on the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the triumph of life over death. 


This Easter, may we all take a moment to reflect on the blessings in our lives and the love that surrounds us. May we find hope during uncertainty, and may we be filled with joy as we celebrate the promise of new life.


As we continue to navigate through whatever challenges we face, may we remember the importance of kindness, compassion, and empathy towards others. May we embrace the values of forgiveness and peace and may we all work together to build a brighter future for ourselves and for generations to come.


Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed Easter filled with love, peace, and joy.


The Mission & Identity Team. 


Liturgical Life

The last two weeks at the College were filled with a flurry of activities to mark the important events of Holy Week. The Junior school students actively participated in the Palm Sunday procession by waving branches and singing "Hosanna." After the procession, the Year 5 students, supported by the Prayer and Liturgy leaders, led the readings and singing.


Holy Week is a significant time for Christians to reflect on the events leading up to Jesus' crucifixion, death, and resurrection and their spiritual meaning. In this regard, a liturgy was held, led by the Prayer, Social Justice, and Liturgy leaders, to retell the story of the Last Supper. During this meal, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and instituted the Eucharist. After the meal, Jesus and his disciples went into the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. The junior students then moved into the garden areas, emulating Jesus and spent time in prayer on a beautiful sunny morning.


On Holy Thursday, senior students took part in a Holy Week liturgy. During this liturgy our students reflected on the final journey that Jesus took to the cross. The students and staff were invited to reflect on the meaning of the days of holy week in their own lives. 

The College's Holy Week celebrations were filled with meaningful liturgies and activities that allowed the students to reflect on the spiritual significance of the events leading up to Easter.

Project Compassion - Purple Day!

On Thursday, March 30th, a school celebrated Purple Day with enthusiasm. The junior school students participated in the event by wearing purple tutus, ribbons, and clothes, acknowledging the purple colour of Lent. Additionally, the year 5 classes set up market stalls in the quad, selling lollies, ice cream, and baked goods. 


The senior school held a ‘mercato’ where the year 8 students and the Peace and Justice group sold items to fundraise for the many Project Compassion projects.  Many of the stalls connected to the Project Compassion projects and stories and items sold reflected their understanding of this. We welcomed Tracey Tessitore, Caritas Diocesan Director from the Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide who spent some time talking with students from the senior and Junior schools about the work of Caritas and their fundraising stalls. 

The event raised a substantial amount of money for Caritas’ Project Compassion. The girls enjoyed the festivity and fun of Purple Day immensely, making it a joyous occasion for all. We look forward to hearing the final total and planning for purple day next year. 


A reminder that all small Project Compassion boxes are now due to be returned. Thank you everyone for supporting this important Appeal through generous donations and enthusiastic participation.

Woman of the Future

Our year 12 SACE Spirituality, Religion and Meaning class had the opportunity to hear from Old Scholar, Peta Spyrou (2011). Peta is lecturer in law and PhD candidate at Adelaide Law School, University of Adelaide. Peta is also a Director of Equality Lawyers – a law firm based in Adelaide, specialising in providing legal advice to people with disabilities and their supporters. Peta spoke with our students about her time at Loreto Marryatville and how being in immersed in the Mary Ward Charism has had an influence in her life, and an influence on how she builds relationship in community. Peta spoke to the students about the importance of applying the Mary Ward values, and that these values are something that will remain with them far beyond the college walls. 


“I found Peta inspiring, because of an action she said yes to as a young person, it has grown into a career and changed her life and many other peoples too” – Tori Year 12 

“Peta made the most of every opportunity that came her way, and her determination enabled her to excel with great success in her life” – Mikayla Year 12