From the Principal 

Dr Nicole Archard

Reconciliation Action Plan

At Loreto, we have been working on many initiatives that form part of our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). Reconciliation Action Plans assist businesses and schools to embed the principles and purpose of reconciliation in order to strategically advance reconciliation by developing and strengthening relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, engaging staff and stakeholders in reconciliation, and developing strategies to empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. In order to help achieve these objectives we have done the following. This term we replaced our single flagpole in the Senior School with three flagpoles in order to fly the Australian, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags, this will be replicated in the Junior School at a later date. We have commenced the construction of our Indigenous Yearning Circle and Fire pit in Boarding. We have added an acknowledgement that our school is located on Kaurna Country to our email signature. We have run staff professional development in articulating and understanding the vision of our RAP. We have also commenced the process of working with Indigenous artist, Elizabeth Close, on a large three storey Indigenous mural to be located in the Senior School. Elizabeth has been working with our Indigenous girls in the design of the mural and weather permitting, we are on track to have the mural completed by the end of Term 2. 


Next week we will also say goodbye to 26 girls and three staff as they head off on our inaugural Cape York Indigenous Immersion Trip. The girls will travel to the remote Indigenous homelands of the Cape York Peninsula where they will have the opportunity to make real connections with Indigenous Australians who have maintained a deep connection to their culture and history through living on their own land. The girls will learn from Elders and Traditional Owners as they broaden their understanding of Indigenous land, peoples and culture.  

Refresh and Renew

As we approach Easter it is important to take time to stop, reflect, and renew. It has been a busy term of many activities including swimming and athletics carnivals, camps, sport, and learning! The girls are tired, and they need to use Easter and the upcoming school holidays to recharge their batteries. I like to use an analogy that the girls can understand to help explain the importance of this – just like our mobile phones we need to recharge, if we don’t do this our battery goes flat. So, these school holidays please ensure that your daughters recharge their battery by resting whilst staying safe and having fun! 


Most importantly, I wish all of our staff, girls and their families a Holy and peaceful Easter.


Dr Nicole Archard
