From the Principal 

Week 2 Term 2 2023

Dear Parents and Carers


Cross country

Thank you to Mr Price, the staff and parents  for helping to ensure a wonderful cross country event last Friday.  All the children participated with enthusiasm and pride for their houses.  

It was the Preps first cross country and they  were amazing running a full lap of the oval with the help of Miss Chor.


Just as the children returned to school the rain hit so we were very lucky with the weather.

The results were as followed


1st Red

2nd Blue

3rd Green

4th Gold


First Eucharist

Last weekend the children preparing for Eucharist this year attended an enrolment mass.  At this mass the children, with the support of their parents, made a commitment in preparation for their First Eucharist. This is a very exciting time for these students so I ask that you keep them in your thoughts and prayers. 


Winter Uniform

I ask that all children are in full winter uniform by the end of Week 3. I am aware that Bob Stewart has limited stock so please see the office if you require any second hand uniform.



Currently we are receiving quite a few enrolment queries across all levels.  Thank you for promoting our wonderful school. Word of mouth is alway the best form of advertising.

If we were to receive these enrolments please be reassured that structures will be put into place to ensure  that no class becomes  "too big".

I will keep our community updated over the next few weeks.


Our second Open Day was held on Wednesday. It was great to see  new families tour our school.  The students who helped conduct the tours did an amazing job.  The feedback was outstanding.  Just a remind that our applications for Foundation 2024 close at the end of May. 


New Enterprise Bargaining Agreement in Catholic Schools

You may have read in the media recently about a new Enterprise Bargaining Agreement that is currently being finalised, but is essentially in effect in Catholic Schools for 2023, (information was uploaded to CECV last week).


This new agreement is a fundamental shift in thinking for schools and has a number of improvements to teacher working conditions.


Major changes include:

  • Reduction in face-to-face teaching time in 2023 by 60 mins per week in 2023 and a further 30 minutes in 2024.
  • Reduction of length of after school meetings (2 X 1 hour meetings)
  • Introduction of Time in Lieu (TIL) for all directed work activities outside of regular work hours
  • Increased entitlements for paid parental leave, including partner leave.

Time in Lieu (TIL) is a significant change to be introduced into school environments. Catholic schools in particular  have a number of evening and weekend commitments to ensure we can strengthen/maintain family and parish partnerships. 

TIL will accrue for events such as: Parent/Teacher Interviews (Term 1 and 2), Camps, Parent Information Nights, Family Faith Nights, Sacrament Masses, Art show, Carols Night,  Cybersafety and Maths Nights and others events.


St Bede's  staff is committed to ensuring all events outside of schools hours continue to take place. The biggest difference our community might see is the number of staff in attendance and who is in attendance.  To ensure all TIL is acquitted by the end of the year our last day will still remain at the 15th of December as previously advertised.


Have a great week
