P&F News

Dads in the Great Southern (DIGS)

Welcome Event

A small but enthusiastic group of GSG Dads met at the Premier Hotel on Wednesday 22 March and it was great to see a few new faces joining the group.  Much was discussed, some great ideas were put forward for activities later in the year, and preliminary plans were made for the Term Two Camp-out. 


There was also significant support for a proposal to hold  “Dad’s only” (including father figures, of course!) meetings on the first Wednesday of each month (during term time) commencing in Term Two.  It is hoped that predictable regular meetings will allow a greater number of Dads to make at least some of the meetings throughout the year.  This will increase networking opportunities, and also facilitate the ongoing planning of “Dads and kids” events and activities.


Term Two Camp-out

CHANGE OF DATE !  It has been realised that Mother’s Day falls on 14 May and so the Term Two Camp-out will now be held over Saturday night on the previous weekend being the 6 and 7 May.  While some mums might regard waking up to a quiet and empty house as the perfect Mother’s Day treat the consensus was that many more Mums would miss being woken up with those carefully crafted Mother’s Day gifts!


Facebook Page

The DIGS group now has a Facebook page!  Check out “DIGS at GSG” for the latest information on upcoming events and activities.


Important Dates

3 May - Next DIGS meeting, upstairs at the Premier Hotel from 6.30 pm.


6 to 7 May - Term Two Camp-out – on school grounds



Luke Murnane - DIGS President


David Marshall - DIGS Coordinator

0418 924 176