Canteen News 

Canteen  Closure for Term One

The Canteen will be closed on Thursday 6 April. There will be no Flexischools recess or lunch orders available on this day. 


The Canteen will recommence in Term Two on Wednesday 26 April.


There will be some changes to the Canteen Menu in Term Two. Keep an eye out for the new weekly specials that will be available from Week Two of Term Two. These will be advertised in the Anchor and in the Daily Notices and available to order on Flexischools. 

Daily Specials

Monday: Nachos | Nachos Deluxe

Tuesday: Pizza Slice - Hawaiian | Pizza Slice – Vegetarian

Wednesday: Hamburger | Hawaiian Chicken Burger | Junior Beef Burger

Thursday: Vegetable Stir Fry Rice | Chicken & Vegetable Stir Fry Rice

Friday: Nachos | Nachos Deluxe


Mrs Richelle Warren | Canteen Coordinator