From the Principal

Lisa Goldsworthy



Welcome back to Term 2, with a special welcome to our new learners and their families, we have an amazing term planned for you. 


Each term as a staff we focus on an element of the Lutheran Education document  “Growing Deep”. This term our staff are using  “Growing Deep” to explore the foundation of Lutheran Education, in particular “What makes us distinctive?”. As we have regenerated our school wide approaches to teaching and learning to include a contemporary learning focus, we have looked at the ACARA inquiry learning cycles and how we can add a Lutheran lens. Growing Deep states, “Lutheran schools and early childhood settings are communities that value learning as God’s gift to people for their wonder, growth, and to inspire them to respond to the needs of the world”. In short we are incorporating into our Inquiry learning the value of Service: how does what we have learnt benefit the wider community, how do we share that learning with them and how can we be of service to them. This term I am proud to say our Foundation class with Mr A have begun a service learning project that illustrates our school values of Service, Love and Endeavour. The class have established a partnership with Old Timers where the children will be buddied up with an ‘Old Timer’ to complete some fun activities. The benefits of this program are mutual and I thank Mr A for taking the lead on this project. 


Thanks to the children and families who joined us on Anzac Day to march in support of the armed forces. Thanks to our amazing students who presented the school Anzac service to help us further understand the sacrifices of past and current serving members. A special mention to the Bruce family who were without Mr Kinsman for the first time on this day. It was lovely to see a chair reserved for him at the top of Anzac Hill. 


We are looking forward to seeing all our mums at the annual Mother’s Day breakfast coming up. It is one of my favourite times of the year, the smiles and sense of community are a lovely way to start the day. 


I have attached the School Bus Code of Conduct for you to review as a family. The school bus service is a free service to families contracted out by the Department of Education and as such is not operated or monitored by the school. I encourage you to report any issues to the bus operator by emailing or phone 08 8924 7666. As a school we are proactive about the expectation of behaviour on the bus and do our best to ensure that when the bus leaves school students are appropriately seated, however at the interchange we have no authority. 


Lastly our whole school value focus for the first three weeks is Courage: Be an upstander. If you see something that’s not OK, you have a choice: support the targeted person, or do nothing. If you decide to help, you’ve chosen to be an upstander. Helping looks like using the High 5, seeking help from an adult and encouraging the person to walk away.


Mrs Lisa Goldsworthy