From the Classroom- S2 (Mrs Riddoch)

What does ANZAC Day mean to me?

In S2 students were asked to reflect on the above question.  Here are their responses…


What does ANZAC Day mean to me? 1. ANZAC means to me a day that we don’t forget the soldiers that have died in war.   2. ANZAC stands for AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND ARMY CORPS.  3. Dad and I don’t really do anything for ANZAC Day.  4. Dad and I sometimes go to my gran’s/nannies’ house for ANZAC something but not all the time.  By Aden. 


On ANZAC day my family and I make ANZAC biscuits in memory of the soldiers fighting for us.  We enjoy these biscuits while remembering what they did for us and how hard they fought for our generation today.  Also ANZAC stands for Australian New Zealand Army Corps.  Lest We Forget. By Airlie.


It is a day to remember, a day to remember those who fought for me and a day for peace and quiet.  By Amilie.


My Pa’s dad went to the war in World War 2.  We go and see my family and friends.  We have a moment of silence of 1 minute and l like ANZAC Day.  By Annalise.


ANZAC Day, is an event of commemoration, an event of remembrance, and of course a day of battle, survival, confidence, and teamwork, being the day that young and older soldiers stepped out of their comfort zone, and raided the shores of Gallipoli, on a dark and early morning. 

We take this day with the name ANZAC Day to remind our nation of the army that guided Australians in the battlefield during the war, The Australia and New Zealand Army Corps, informally known as just ANZAC today.  Back in Turkey, they converted the name of Gallipoli into ANZAC Cove.  Each year, I sometimes use this day to bake the most popular food of this commemoration, ANZAC Biscuits, a sort of biscuit that could easily be transported to the soldiers without decaying, and becoming dirty or rotten.

I also take this time to walk with our family to Miners Rest’s own ANZAC War Memorial, a place constructed in 1920 and where I come by every now and then on bike rides, where sometimes I even observe the names of those soldiers who are from this very suburb, who died in both wars.

Back to what I was explaining, an ANZAC service is run here every year, and people from all around Miners Rest or nearby make their way to this place, where we go through speeches, flowers like poppies are planted into the memorial, the flag rises, and the Last Post plays, before going towards a minute of silence. Thanks to my family, last year’s service became my first, and if they’re reading or hearing this, thank you very much, and to all the others that have come by… Lest We Forget.  By Archie. 


What does ANZAC day mean to me?  To me it means where people gather together to commemorate all the soldiers who had passed and fought for our country. What do you know about ANZAC day? I know that ANZAC is a day to commemorate and appreciate all the people that went war.  What does ANZAC day stand for?  ANZAC stands for Australian New Zealand Army Corps.  Have you ever been to an ANZAC Day service?  No.  By Chloe.


To me ANZAC Day means a day that many brave people had fought for our country.  You may be wondering what ANZAC stands for.  So I’ll tell you!  It stands for Australian New Zealand Army Corps!  On ANZAC Day I like to wake up early and turn the tv on to watch the ceremony!  By Georgia.


ANZAC Day is my favourite event of the year and on this day it’s also my cousin’s birthday.  On this day I like to celebrate ANZAC to remember soldiers that went to war.  The families member that died in war may be yours - Mums and dads or even sisters and brothers.  By Hamish B.


Anzac Day is a special day because we respect the people who fought for our country.  A service is held so they can honoured and respected.  ANZAC means Australian and New Zealand Army Corps that were made to fight in Gallipoli. By Hamish P.


ANZAC Day to me means: Waking up at 5:00am to go to the service, getting in my warm comfy clothes and getting in the car.  ANZAC means Australian New Zealand Army Corps and I’ve been to a service many times.  I know that many soldiers have lost their lives fighting for the country for many, many years.  Normally I get bothered waking up at 5:00am, but then I wake up fully and pay my respects.  I realised on 25th of April, 2019 that the reason why they do it so early is because of that’s when they actually landed in Gallipoli.  By Jace.


ANZAC Day means to me is a day of remembering a day that the soldiers fought for us in the war.  ANZAC stands for Australian New Zealand Army Corps.  I normally make ANZAC biscuits and share them with my family.  I’ve been to an ANZAC service at school where we walk to the park and remember the soldiers who fought for us and the year five/sixes sing, ‘I was only Nineteen’.  By Jazmine.


ANZAC Day to me means a time where me and my family watch the footy. We fight for who will win and I guess I’m a bit biased (I go for Essendon).  My Nan and Pop normally come over to spend some time with us, which I love. I also sometimes go to the Melbourne dawn service with my dad.  It’s an amazing experience.  Then they use the bugle to play the last post.  By Jet.


WHAT DOES ANZAC MEAN TO ME?  1. ANZAC means Australian New Zealand Army Corps.  2. On ANZAC Day I go to the dawn service for the whole time it goes on for.  3. What I know about ANZAC Day - that it’s a day to remember all the soldiers that fought for our country.  By Madden. 


To me ANZAC Day is a day of remembrance.  Making ANZAC biscuits with my family, and then eating them.  Remembering all of the soldiers who fought in the war.  By Maylea.


I wake up in the morning and watch the ANZAC service on the TV.  I remember the poor soldier that risked their lives to save our country.  I feel thankful and sad. After the ANZAC service sometimes mum and I make ANZAC biscuits to share with the family to remember the soldiers that saved our country.  LEST WE FORGET.  By Mia.


ANZAC Day is the day that remembers the soldiers that fought for our country and sacrificed their lives so we could be free.  By Mitchell.


That men and women fought and died for us.  Remembering them is the key to keeping they’re fighting spirit alive.  So this Anzac Day, remember them.  By Nate.


ANZAC is a day to remember people like Gran’s Grandfather and be happy that Pa was lucky to not have to go to war and i may have never of meet him :(    At school we also do ‘I was only 19’ and a moment of silence.  By Ryan.


I know that every Anzac Day they at least have one ANZAC ceremony, whether it’s in Melbourne or Miners Rest and even some other places.  On Anzac Day I usually spend time with my nan and pop because I don’t get to see them much. Lest we forget.  By Shantelle.


ANZAC is about the people who fought for us and lost their lives.  ANZAC stands for Australian New Zealand Army Corps.  By Tillie. 


What does ANZAC mean to me?  ANZAC means to me is have a day off to understand what they have done for us.  What does ANZAC stand for? Australia New Zealand Amy Corps.  What do I do on ANZAC day?  I go to the Miners Rest service and lay a wreath then I think about how they have died for this generation.  Have I’ve been to ANZAC service?  Yes, I go to the Miners Rest service.  LEST WE FORGET.  By Zoe.