Student Voice

Mr Culbert & Ms Sculley

Building School Connectedness

Our college's core values of Respect, Growth, Achievement and Responsibility set the foundation for students and staff as we pursue the goals of school connectedness and community involvement. 


Student Voice is a primary ingredient for our ability to collectively accomplish these goals. At Cranbourne East Secondary College we recognise that Voice enables students to collaborate and make decisions with adults in order to improve educational opportunities. These opportunities expand past the classroom into the overall school experience and greater community.


Already this year students have shared learning experiences with excursions in subjects ranging from art to economics, outdoor education to business, and physics. The school held its annual athletics carnival, recognized Diversity Day, and hosted the inaugural Clubs Week resulting in nearly two dozen lunchtime clubs open to all students. 

At present students are working on this year's production, Shrek!, and leading the preparations for a bigger than ever Harmony Day. Additionally the elected student leadership is a launching a student developed survey as the first step for implementing a comprehensive student driven connectedness campaign.


The future is bright at CESC and students are leading the way.