Year 9/10

Mr Williams and Ms Fisher

Last week students from CESC participated alongside a number of other schools in the Monash University Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA) discussing and debating issues related to the United Nations goal of ‘Zero hunger’. Our students represented Peru, Ethiopia, Japan and the United States of America.


MUNA was an informative opportunity for us to be able to learn about other countries and work as teams that represent a country to be able to create solutions that resolve our issue; Food Security: Zero Hunger. 

- Hezel Virdi, 9H and Urena Verma, 9L


Students at CESC were given the golden opportunity to go to Monash University and experience being in an environment similar to the United Nations Assembly. The students debated on the humanitarian crises of world hunger, and gained a deeper insight of the issue. The day was a resounding success! (Gunkar Year 9)


Japan and Ethiopia both had their proposals to various clauses in the preamble ratified by the general assembly. With Ethiopia, it was unanimous ratification, which is especially impressive. 

The United States was under sustained pressure from China and their allies, but managed to nullify a proposal by China which went against USA national interests.

Peru also managed to nullify a proposal which would go against their national interests.

Another busy term in year 10, with many Industry and Enterprise students organising work experience and temporarily joining the workforce form May 22nd- 26th.  Exams are rapidly approaching, we have seen a number students using the newly furnished study hall for some extra revision with their friends.



Another busy term in year 10, with many Industry and Enterprise students organising work experience and temporarily joining the workforce form May 22nd- 26th.  Exams are rapidly approaching, we have seen a number students using the newly furnished study hall for some extra revision with their friends.


New Look Year 10 Study Hall

Industry and Enterprise – Work Experience


Years 10s have been enjoying the various work experiences placements with many of them keen on following a pathway to their chosen field, and others realising just how easy they have it at school! Well done to all year 10s on work experience, we look forward to hearing about your experiences when you return to school next week.



This semester in Year 10 General Science, students had an opportunity to learn about the 4 different branches of science: Space Science, Physics, Biology and Chemistry. In the Biology unit students learnt about how genetic traits are passed on from parents to offspring. In their investigations, students constructed their very own vegetable people from a Ma Onion and a Pa Potato. As part of their studies on forces, Year 10 students from General Science and Introduction to VCE Physics visited the Melbourne 2023 Grand Prix and were able to see forces of Formula One cars in action. 

Outdoor Education


Year 10 Outdoor Education students attended a 2-day camp at Cathedral Range State Park where they had the opportunity to build their Outdoor knowledge by partaking in a challenging hike to North Jawbone Peak, map reading, camping, preparing the campfire and preparing and cooking food independently, all in a true outdoor environment. This was an opportunity for students to investigate ethical decision making on environmental issues and minimal impact strategies, as well as develop their relationships, leadership and team building skills.