Upcoming dates


  • 5th - Monday
    • Year 10-12 exam week
  • 12th - Monday
    • King's Birthday - student free day
  • 15th - Thursday
    • GAT exam
    • Professional Practice Day - student free day
  • 19th - Monday
    • First day of Semester 2 classes
    • 2024 Year 11 Information Assembly
  • 23rd - Friday
    • Last day of Term 2 - early finish at 2:30


  • 10th - Monday
    • First day of term 3
  • 14th - Friday
    • Melbourne Careers Expo (Year 10)
  • 18th - Tuesday
    • Curriculum Information Evening
  • 25th - Tuesday
    • 2024 Course Counselling Year 9 into Year 10
  • 27th - Thursday
    • 2024 Course Counselling Year 9 into Year 10
    • Production Night 1
  • 28th - Friday
    • Production Night 2
  • 31st - Monday
    • 2024 Course Counselling Year 10 into Year 11


  • 2nd - Wednesday
    • 2024 Course Counselling Year 10 into Year 11