How does our Garden Grow

An insight of what we’ve been doing at the farm

Dear Families,


Our chickens Boomerang and Roast have returned from their holiday. The sustainability leaders have made new beddings and have put sand in the chooks area as it is easy to clean and better for them. Please make sure not to move the sand, as it will be tricky to replace. We have 2 new chickens (they will be at Andrew’s place for another 3-4 weeks), they’re bantam langshans, we ask that people refrain from bringing pets, especially big ones over to the farm when they arrive, as to let them calmly settle in.


We have made sure that the sand we have used for the coop is river sand, and fine for the chickens. While playing sand and sandbox sand will be very bad for them, river sand is 100% fine.


Our school is also partaking in an event, where if possible families bring over bread wrappers and bread tags, recycle them in a separate bin and it will convert into tokens, which we can provide new sport equipment if we have enough. We ask as many families to contribute as much as possible, because it saves the plastic from going into landfill.


As usual, the kids are watering and caring for the garden. Growing many vegetables to harvest, cook and eat. Next week rainbow chard is on the menu. This week we also planted ‘little finger’ carrots & Lavandula lavender. 


Last of all, there will be a vote to decide names for the new chickens in which the entire school will take part in. Each class will come up with two names, and then everyone will vote to decide the names.


From Leni, Kelly and Anh Van