Chaplain’s Spot

Chaplain’s Spot
‘Encourage Resiliency’
Nigel Lane has written an excellent book called, ‘101 Practical Ways to Motivate your Child’. I would like to share detail from one of his chapters:
“Resilient children are able to cope with whatever life throws at them, and therefore don’t become demotivated when things get tough. They develop an ability to solve many of their own problems, whilst recognising mistakes as being common to everyone – things to learn from, not things that get them down or cause you to lose focus.
Alternatively, when a child lacks resilience they can become a victim to life’s bully tactics. They lack the strength to bounce back when adversity comes their way (as we know it will). Rather they see a mistake as failure; the molehill appears like a mountain and is insurmountable.
Getting up to continue the fight just becomes too hard and the motivation disappears. Experts talk about the language of resiliency and the fact that resilient children can say:
- I have – people I trust and love
- I am – a lovable person
- I can – find ways to solve problems
We can help build resiliency by ensuring our children have:
- Trusting relationships
- Structures and rules at home
- Role Models
Our influence shapes our children’s view of themselves, their self-esteem/self worth, their feelings, attitudes and beliefs. Their resilience will increase if they can say I am:
- Lovable, loving and empathic
- Proud of myself
- Filled with hope, faith and trust
The ‘I can’ factors are their social and interpersonal skills learnt by interacting with others and from those who teach them. Our involvement can encourage them to get to the point where they can say I can:
- Communicate
- Solve problems
- Manage my feelings
- Gauge my temperament and the temperament of others
So - we can build a secure base, actively promote friendships, their recognition of their talents and interests, positive values and social competence.
Above all, help our children to never give up, despite the adversity.“
Thank you to those who have provided wonderful input for our story project! Here is the first drawing I received.
Have a great week! Feel free to contact me via email or phone at school.
Alan Silverwood – Chaplain - Pastoral care for our community. [Monday, Tuesday, Friday] []
Supporting the School community in emotional, social, spiritual and practical wellbeing. The Chaplaincy program is funded by the Federal Government, donations and School Council.