Congratulations to our students who competed in the Heywood Horse Trials over the weekend! Indi Talay, Year 12 placed first in Grade 3, Sascha Laidlaw, Year 8 placed first in Grade 4 and Chloe Laidlaw, Year 6 placed first in Grade 5! An outstanding effort with lots of lovely prizes to take home! Well done girls.
Congratulations once again to Zoe Weinberg, Year 9, who had a very successful day at Hexham Hunter Trials on the weekend. Zoe and her beautiful horse, Heist, had their first start in the 95cm, doing half a show jumping course, cross country course and then finishing off show jumping. They were two seconds off the optimum time and went clear, coming home with first in the 95 and best performed OTT! These two are a superstar team!
Enrolments for our Junior and Senior Horsemanship program are now open. The forms are attached to this newsletter and have also been emailed. We have Maureen McGrath coaching our Senior Horsemanship group this term in our Tuesday night show jumping program. Anthea Sutherland and Christine Corbidge continue to share their expertise with our students coaching our Horsemanship program next term also.
Please email ateboekhorst15@hamiltoncollege.vic.edu.au or ph. 0416221149 should you have any further questions.
We wish our students who are representing The Hamilton and Alexandra College at the 2021 Leader Equine Victorian Interschool State Championships (10 April 2021 at Werribee Park Equestrian Centre) the very best of luck! We are already very proud of you all!
Please go to The Hamilton College Equestrian Facebook page to see all the photos of our superstar riders in action.
Adam Wootten Showjumping Clinic – 29-30 May 2021 at the College Equestrian Centre – Online Entries at www.hamiltoncollege.vic.edu.au
We are so lucky to have Adam Wootten at our Equestrian Centre in May to train our Equestrian students in Showjumping. Please find attached to the newsletter a copy of the entry form for this event. We look forward to receiving your entries asap to reserve your place.
Andrea Riedel-Carrison Dressage Clinic - Sunday 2 May & Sunday 6 June – Online Entries at www.hamiltoncollege.vic.edu.au
Our highly respected and experienced instructor Andrea Riedel-Carrison will once again be at our Equestrian Centre in May and June to train our Equestrian students in Dressage. We look forward to having Andrea with us, sharing her wealth of expertise and experience. The entry form is attached to this newsletter. Please send in your entries asap to reserve your place.
Western District Interschools Equestrian Competition – The date for the WDIEC has now been postponed due to an unforeseen delay in works being done on the arena at our Equestrian Centre. A new date for this event will be published shortly.
For updates, news, Calendar, entry forms, results and more GO TO THE FOLLOWING WEBSITES:
Equestrian Victoria:
The VEIS website is also a great website for your reference for the Victorian Equestrian Interschool Series.
Please make sure you join our THAC Equestrian Facebook page for regular updates and photos of all our Equestrian endeavours. Updates and entry forms for competitions are also posted on this page so make sure you keep up to date! All equine students should be following this page.
Please note any horses who are regularly coming to and from The Hamilton and Alexandra College Equestrian Centre must be up to date with vaccinations for Tetanus and Strangles and records of these will be maintained to ensure the biosecurity of the centre. You must also notify the Director of Horsemanship immediately if your horse has been in or originated from Queensland or Northern New South Wales. Please let me know if you have any concerns or questions.
Ms Amanda Te Boekhorst
Director of Horsemanship