Middle Years
Well done to all our Middle Years students on completing a busy term. I would especially like to acknowledge the effort of our new students. Students have transitioned smoothly into myPEC and they are settling into good classroom and study routines. I am looking forward to a productive Term Two. Next term it is important to consolidate strong classroom and homework routines in the lead up to the Mid-Year Examinations.
I hope parents and students have carefully read and reflected on the reports that were released last week, and hopefully you were able to attend Parent / Teacher Interviews held this week. As many teachers timeslots were booked out, there are more interview times available on Monday 19 April, in the morning.
The importance of having a Growth Mindset.
Carol Dweck, in her book Mindset said “a successful student is one whose primary goal is to expand their knowledge and their ways of thinking and investigating the world”. She also said “they do not see grades as an end in themselves but as a means to continue to grow”.
Growth Mindset people display these attributes;
They love and seek out challenges.
They believe in effort and are willing to stretch themselves.
They are resilient after setbacks.
They have greater success.
They are willing to stretch themselves.
Year 7 High Ropes Course at Trees Adventure
It was wonderful to see the Year 7 students enjoy the High Ropes Course last Monday, at Trees Adventure near Colac. Students worked well together and showed that they are bonding as a group. They approached each high rope section in an enthusiastic manner. One of the key components of successful year levels is the capacity to get along with each other, to be kind to each other and extend the hand of friendship to everyone. We appreciated students who said thank you at the end of the day, and who thanked their instructors. Special thanks to parents who waited patiently for our return at the drop off locations. Finally, thank you to Mr Alexander, Mrs Williams and Mr Hawthorne for coming on this excursion.
Simple Formula for Parenting, Michael Grose
This article is worth a read; it short and gives us a timely reflection: A simple formula for parenting, from Michael Grose (theparentswebsite.com.au). You may find the full list inspiring, I did. I liked these statements;
Show kids how to behave, cultivate good manners, stick to routines, have fun, send kids to school with breakfast, a kiss, and a smile.
Wishing you all a safe, restful, and enjoyable holiday.
Julia Winter Cooke