Deputy Principal, Teaching and Learning
Reading is Good for You
Reading has long been known to cure many ills. The act of holding a book and reading can lower your heart rate and help your mind to slow down and anxiety to subside. As you escape into another place and space many people learn how to live differently, to be another person in another moment in time. The infographic below attests to the benefits of reading. Many of us take great pleasure in this act of reading and are keen to share it with others. If you are not in the habit of reading and sharing books, why not challenge yourself, your friends and family to read during the Term One break. Visit your local library or bookshop and explore some of these favourites. Perhaps you would like to make contact and share your best read of 2021 so far. Happy reading!
Enjoy the second episode of INFOCUS PODCAST - where you will hear our Deputy Principal - Wellbeing and Deputy Principal - Teaching and Learning in discussion
Susan Bradbeer
Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning