From the Principal
Term 1 certainly finished on a high when Years 4-12 came together to celebrate Easter in the Simons Auditorium. Mr Hiscock’s vision that the full choir and chamber orchestra perform Antonio Vivaldi’s Gloria was a masterstroke and the music was fabulous. It is so important that our students learn the true significance of Easter and understand the most important event in the Christian calendar. My thanks to our talented music staff led by Mr Hiscock and all the staff and students involved in the service.
Next week, 34 Year 11s depart for the Central Australia trip, which was postponed in 2020. This opportunity to explore our inland and develop a true sense of ‘country’ will be incredibly powerful. I wish all the boys and girls, Mrs Williams and Mrs Prosser every happiness and safety for the adventure.
Next term, College commemorates ANZAC Day with a special service on Friday 23 April. If your child would like to share some special memories surrounding their family’s involvement in conflict, please contact me directly on my email
The Hamilton and Alexandra College is ‘too good not to be better’ and I thank all the staff for their enormous energy and investment in the education of your sons and daughters this term. As a community, we took some important strides forward this term in our determination to improve. I wish all families a safe and relaxed break over the holiday period.
Dr Andrew Hirst