
As the end of Term One rapidly approaches, we can reflect on the many activities that our Year Eight, Year Nine and Year Ten students have participated in through their camps. This term our School has offered four unique camp experiences for our students. 

  • Our Year Eights went to Camp Quaranup and were reminded of the school values through the challenges of the Bald Head walk and visiting some aged-care facilities. 
  • Year Nine students went to Karridale and caved, completed the high ropes course and walked together (amongst many other fun and challenging activities). 
  • Our Year Ten students had a choice of completing a voyage from Albany to Perth onboard the STS Leeuwin or rafting down the Blackwood River. 

There are many benefits to each of these camps for our students. They have provided opportunities for students to challenge themselves and build resilience and confidence in new and unfamiliar environments. Additionally, these camps have allowed our students to connect with their peers and teachers outside of the classroom, building stronger bonds and a sense of community within each group.


These camps have provided a unique opportunity for students to learn about the natural world and develop an appreciation for the environment. By exploring the local flora and fauna, and learning about the impact of human activity on the environment, our students have gained a sense of responsibility and stewardship towards our planet.


We are proud to offer these opportunities for our students, and we look forward to seeing the positive impact that they will continue to have throughout the remainder of the school year.


Mr Ian Robson | Head of Cocurricular 

Year Ten Leeuwin Voyage 

The Leeuwin voyage from Albany to Perth was a truly life-changing adventure for everyone on board. It was a privilege to watch each and every student grow a little over the week out at sea. Going through adversity in the first few days whilst we battled through winds approaching storm force, and all but three students and much of the crew revisiting the spaghetti bolognaise they had enjoyed earlier! Then coming out the other side into perfect conditions for sailing north and learning the techniques of sailors garnered over centuries. This gave the students the opportunity to push through that seasickness and ensure they get the best out of the fabulous experience that has befallen them. Many chose to challenge themselves by climbing the 33-metre mast whilst we were sailing and everyone helped with sail handling whilst standing on the yard arms, providing some outstanding photo opportunities. The students looked out for each other demonstrating excellence in interpersonal skills and empathy for each other’s needs. 


The School is very proud to have a member of its alumni as a Watch Leader. Laura Smit (2022, Baudin) has shown a clear affinity in this role with a caring but firm teaching style giving students the best experience. Her natural interpersonal style gives glimpses of her chosen future career in health. 


Personally, I cannot be more positive about this group of students who shone in every way during the week. This was echoed by the crew from the Captain down what a great group of trainees they were and how much they enjoy and look forward to the Great Southern Grammar students being on the STS Leeuwin II. The Captain and crew demonstrated that trust by handing over the ship to the students for one day whilst they sailed it from Rottnest Island to Fremantle. The whole team met that challenge in such an outstandingly positive way and the Captain felt so confident and comfortable with their ability he went down to his cabin for half an hour!

As for the organisation and the Captain and crew of the Leeuwin, I cannot thank them enough for giving us the experience, challenging us beyond the limits we may have had on ourselves and doing this in a caring, safe way. I hope next week, once we have got our land legs back and had some extra sleep some students will add their thoughts and feelings about their experience. 


Mr Julian Gugenheim | Teacher