From the Deputy Principal

P&F Association

We have recently welcomed new representatives to class representative roles in our Primary School and thank each of those people for their involvement in connecting our school community.  The role of the P&F is focused on friend-raising, rather than fundraising and you can find your representative on the P&F page on MyGSG.  Our school is all about community so do reach out and connect with one another. 


When Term Two fee invoices are released you will notice the P&F levy as part of the fees. These funds are used by the P&F, with consultation with families and students, for the benefit of students who are at GSG now.  Recent projects have included outdoor furniture, the James Giddy mural (more on this later), the table tennis table outside the Tamungup Centre, guest speakers for students and families and many other projects which benefit our students.  Information about P&F Meetings, agendas and finances can be found on the P&F page on MyGSG. 

Easter Chapel Service

You are invited to our whole school Easter Service on Wednesday 5 April commencing at 11.55am in the Multi-Purpose Sport Complex.  We would love to have families join us for this special celebration of Easter.

Tour Morning

On Thursday 30 March, we are looking forward to welcoming prospective families to our first Tour Morning in over a year.  Please feel free to share the information with interested friends or families. 



For further information and to register please click HERE.

Parent-Teacher Interviews

Parent Teacher Interviews are being held on:

  • Tuesday 28 March for Primary School and Years Seven, Ten and Twelve. 
  • Tuesday 4 April for Primary School and Years Eight, Nine and Eleven.

Further information about making bookings for Teams or face-to-face meeting has been provided in an email.


Mrs Emma Franklin | Deputy Principal