Wellbeing Report 

Andre Campbell


This term it has been great supporting our parents/carers and our students. If you are needing help with school uniform, a food hamper or enquires for other services please speak to the wellbeing team, myself, Lily, Jeanette or Kristy.


We have spent time talking to parents about strategies to help their children cope with anxiety and fears. Parenting can be hard on a good day and according to Google, “how to be a good parent?” is the most googled question parents have each year.   


As a school community, we encourage families to continue to have open conversations to gauge how well you are all doing and to give each other space and time to process any worries or questions. Instead of rushing to solve problems, give children time to work things out themselves.  Talk about feelings so your child learns to share their worries and fears with people they trust.   Acknowledge your own mistakes to teach children that mistakes are key for learning and growth.  Always remind children of their worth.  One small moment could mean the world to them. 


Conversation tips-

“I can see you are feeling challenged?",

"How can I help?”,

“Tell me what else?” 

until you get to the bottom of the problem.  Prompting children will help them explain more and hopefully with your help they will make connections to understanding. 

"What could you have done instead?"

‘You guys seem to be struggling getting ready in the mornings. How can we make this better for everyone?”

“Tell me the feelings in your heart. Can you name it?”


For parents looking for additional advice, Emily and Rachael from Uniting Family Wellbeing service are at the school on Wednesdays. There is no cost and we are happy to ask them to give you a call.  Also, Simone Turner from Shine Bright Psychology is at the school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Simone offers counselling to students which occurs during class time.  All parents need to see Simone is a Mental Health Care Plan referral from your family doctor. 


On behalf of the Wellbeing Team we hope all our families have an enjoyable and restful break these holidays. 



For children trying to make things work when they are playing with their friends they often have arguments. Tell your child that arguments happen to everyone and that having an argument doesn’t mean the end of a friendship or being enemies.  Point out that in all arguments both people think they are right. Sometimes an argument can be resolved when it occurs.  At other times people need to avoid hurting the other person’s feelings too much at the time by going away to calm down, and then trying to resolve it later. Dealing well with arguments protects friendships and reduces bad feelings. 


  • Try to stay calm and talk through the problem using a respectful voice.
  • If you or the other person are getting angry or out of control say: ”We’re getting too angry. Let’s talk about it later”, and walk away.
  • Make sure you do talk about it later. When you’ve calmed down, recognise that allowing the bad feelings to continue is not a good thing. You are responsible for dealing with them.
  • When you feel calm, go and talk to the other person.
  • Put your point of view and tell about your feelings eg: I felt bad when you didn’t include me in the game”.
  • Let them put their point of view.  Listen without interrupting until they have finished.
  • Try to find a way to be friends again.

Head Lice 

This term it’s been fantastic that we have had only small number of head lice in the school. We ask parents to work with us to keep our reports low and to continue to treat and monitor your children’s hair. Please notify the office or tell your child’s teacher when you treat your child so lice alert notes can issued on COMPASS. 

Reminder-any child found with live lice will be excluded from school until they are treated. 


Glasses for Kids Program: Students in Preps-Grade 3

Last week, we had 2 optometrists see over 180 students in our eyes health check/Glasses for Kids program. The screening was successful where some students were recommended glasses and/or following up with their family optometrist for monitoring.  The glasses will be delivered to the school early next term. Also, we’ve had some parent enquiries about their children being seen in the future. The Glasses for Kids program is offered every 2 years. If parents have any concerns about your child’s eye health, please make an appointment at your local optometrist. 


DET School Nurse Program - Preps School Entry Health Checks 

Last week, the DET Primary Nurse, Sarah Torsello came and did the health checks with our Prep students.   All parents should have received their feedback letter, for any parents who have not received it, let me know and I will follow up with Sarah.  

Activities at Lunchtime- German Room 

Monday & Tuesday - Craft Club 

Thursday - Lego Club  

This term, our activities at lunchtime have been extremely popular.  Children have been making friends having some fun and learning to be creative.  In craft club, students have been making paper people, friendship bracelets and necklaces, key chains and fairy dolls. This week, the children made Easter egg baskets and they made their own Easter rabbit with either an egg or chick inside its tummy. 


Lego club has been a hit and I would like to thank families for your donations, especially the Woollies farm brick packs. Some children have been exploring free play and I’ve had roughly 20 children working together to build our very own Woori Farm.  Each week, ten students worked on assembling the brick packs and the remainder of the children built the farm. The children loved exploring their ideas and I enjoyed their chatter, enthusiasm and team work skills. 

Chaplain Requests

The Department of Education has made some changes to the National Student Wellbeing Program in schools. For parents and carers interested, you need to sign a consent form in order for Jeanette Nortcliffe to see your child. 


Food Bank Cooking Classes 

This week was the last day for the Food Bank cooking classes.  Along with delicious smells there has been a fantastic atmosphere in the cooking room.  This week, the families all made pizza and they all got a food hamper with all the ingredients.  We’ve had a number of enquiries from parents interested in doing the cooking classes and Jeanette and I are going to investigate possibly running a cooking program later in the year.  


Attendance & Absences

We encourage parents and carers to refer to COMPASS for information happening at school. Schools are required to work towards IMPROVING THE ATTENDANCE and PUNCTUALITY RATES of our students. When your child is going to be away parents and carers need to notify the school through COMPASS. This really helps us as we are able to communicate effectively with all relevant staff early in the school day. 


Attendance Data 

Over the time a child attends school, having 1 or 2 days absence does not seem like much but it does add up and can impact on missed learning opportunities.

Term 2- First Week Back-No Breakfast Club

Due to delivery date changes and Anzac Day on Tuesday the 25th of April, there will be no Breakfast Club running. Breakfast Club will resume in Week 2, on Monday the 1st of May. 


Second Hand Uniform

For parents looking to purchase second hand uniform you can contact the office or the Wellbeing Team any time. We are happy to make up bags (providing we have the stock) if parents cannot get to the school for our sales. 


Labelled Personal Property 

Our lost property is located in the alcove near the staffroom. If your child loses clothing or lunchboxes these items will find their way to the alcove. Please make sure your child’s name is clearly labelled and we’ll do our best to return them to the rightful owner. 


State School Relief

We can help families who are experiencing financial hardship to purchase school uniform.  Please see the Wellbeing Team for assistance.