Head of Students News

Mr Peter Serone

Student Drivers

In recent years there has been an increasing number of senior students driving to and from school. Throughout the year our seniors experience education presentations, encouraging safe driving practices and are regularly reminded about driving and parking appropriately around the local streets surrounding the College.


Year 12 families have been sent an email regarding registering student vehicles on parent lounge using the student driving tile. A reminder that families are to communicate with each other to seek permission to be a passenger, sharing a lift with a student driver.

Year 8 Mt Coo-tha Kokoda Challenge

On Wednesday and Thursday this week our Year 8s will take on a team-building walk up the trails of Mt Coo-tha. Please refer to email information that has been sent out previously.


Note: a change in days for Ephrem and Rush house. Event allocation:

  • Wednesday: Ridley, Foley, Gilroy and Rush houses.
  • Thursday: Ephrem, Harold, Ignatius and Slattery houses.

My thanks is extended to the staff who are participating and accompanying the students on these days.

National Drug Awareness

On Thursday 23 March, Catholic School Parents Queensland is hosting a free webinar on Vaping with Tony Parsons, National Drug Awareness. The webinar runs from 7:00pm to 8:15 pm. Please click on the link to register for the event: Vaping Webinar | March 23, 2023 (eventcreate.com)