Deputy Head of College News

Mr Charles Brauer

The idea of being ‘called’ into action may bring up various life experiences. Mum may have ‘called’ you home for dinner from the back fence.. Your friend may have ‘called’ you on the household landline. You may have ‘called’ out to a friend as you wound the window down in the back seat of the family car. In each of these instances, being ‘called’ is followed by a response, a call to action if you will. Sometimes we are ‘called’ without hearing anything. 

Our intuition speaks to us. We sometimes have a gut feeling that we should pre-emptively respond before being asked or directed to do so. Some have embraced this way of being and follow their gut or their heart and follow these instincts. Others are more analytical and weigh up the pros and cons before deciding. Being receptive to our inner-voice, intuition, gut or heart is central to our faith. Our faith would describe this inner-voice as the Holy Spirit at play enabling an experience of God. It’s this approach we foster with our staff. 


Our new staff for the year are participating in our ‘Called’ program which is designed to enable our staff to consider what ‘calling’ they responded to in arriving at Marist Ashgrove. By doing so, we invite our staff into a deeper understanding of their hopes, gifts, and aspirations as a member of the Marist Family. It’s also a way for our College to gain insight into how we have supported their arrival as a new member of staff. As well as being involved in an individual termly conversation with an experienced educational consultant, we’ll meet as a group for the first time this Friday to listen to each other’s accounts of the first weeks and months at the College. And like any good Catholic gathering, we’ll share a meal and ‘break bread’ together!


Taking time to be with others to share and to listen is a wonderful cultural trait of Catholic communities such as ours. Equally wonderful is the notion that we are not only a product of a job application process, rather, the job application process is a product of our response to listening to be ‘called’ into the Marist Family. When we respond to a the ‘call’ of our inner voice we give our heart a chance at leading our response. It can be risky business doing so, however, we all now that the best experiences in life are those which involve our heart. We hope to continue to enliven the hearts of our new staff through the ‘Called’ program so each individual is encourage to share their best for the benefit of the young men we educate with our Marist Family.

Year 11 Blazer Update

A reminder for parents and guardians that Year 11 students require blazers for the start of Term 2. The Uniform Shop is currently out of stock of some sizes. However students can be sized up and a blazer can be placed on order for Term 2 if the correct size is not available instore. Blazers with trim can be arranged and pre-ordered in the shop, with the braiding charge paid to the College via the Monitor Shop ( The braiding costs $60.00. No dry-cleaning payment is required for new blazers.

Year 5 Blazer Update

A reminder for parents and guardians that Year 5 students require blazers for the start of Term 2. Pre-ordered blazers for Year 5 students are due to arrive prior to the commencement of Term 2. The College will communicate with Year 5 families and will advise when they become available and how they can be collected. If you have not ordered a blazer for your son, please visit the uniform shop so he can be sized up and an order placed.

App Calendar

A reminder to parents and guardians to please refer to the College App Calendar for the most up to date event information. The App Calendar is updated weekly with any changes or additions as they occur. Access is via the Calendar tile on the College App or via the College website via the following link Calendar - Marist College Ashgrove (