Capital Works Program

April 2023 

Project update


Dear school community, 


I am writing to update you on our school upgrade. 


As you may know, in the 2021-22 State Budget, our school received $12.928 million to upgrade and modernise our school, including Block B. It also included building new basketball and netball towers.  


Due to unforeseen circumstances, it is possible that the project's completion date may be delayed due to the head contractor entering voluntary administration on 31 March 2023. The administrator will secure and maintain the project site while the next steps are being determined.


I am working closely with Victorian School Building Authority to work through the next steps and look towards re-mobilising the project. 


I will update you soon once further information is known. 


I appreciate your patience at this time. 


Thank you, 


Sarah Rose



More information

If you have any questions about these works, you can contact the VSBA by phone at 1800 896 950, email or visit their website: