Take note

Ready, set, NAPLAN! 

Today (Wednesday 15 March), our Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 students commenced their 2023 NAPLAN assessments, which are completed by students across the country. 


NAPLAN is a point-in-time test and as such, the focus is on students having a go, following instructions and trying their best. 


A good night's sleep and a nutritious breakfast on any day always assists with learning, and we encourage students to continue these practices during the NAPLAN testing period so they can perform to the best of their ability. 


Thank you to our teaching staff and families for doing all they can to support and prepare our students for NAPLAN 2023. 


Please refer to an email sent to families of all participating students for further information on NAPLAN. 


All students will need bring a fully charged laptop and headphones (to plug into the school laptop) and a pen to complete the tests. 

St Patrick's Day | Friday 17 March 

SMC - bring out your green! The College will be marking St Patrick's Day this Friday 17 March with a day packed with good luck charms, pots of gold, leprechauns and all things green. 


For a gold coin donation, Senior School students are encouraged to dress up in their best Irish themed costume. 


Junior School students are invited to wear their PE uniform and add a touch of green, whether a beanie, scarf or jumper. 


All money raised on the day will go towards Project Compassion, Caritas Australia's annual Lenten appeal.


In celebration of our rich Irish heritage, we will be hosting a whole-school parade on the College Green, kicking off at lunchtime, with prizes and House points up for grabs. 

Grandparents' Day | Wednesday 5 April 

Save the date! Our much-loved Grandparents' Day will be returning to the Junior School on the morning of Wednesday 5 April. Invitation and full details to come. Stay tuned. 

Uniform Shop opening hours