Careers & VET News

The last few weeks have seen lots of opportunities for Year 12 students with more to come in the next few weeks.
Southern Universities Tour
Recently 22 Year 12 students accompanied by Mrs Susan Barrett and Mr Harry Vella joined students from five other Tamworth high schools on an excursion to visit these four universities in three days:
- University of Wollongong’s Discovery Day
- UNSW and New College
- University of Sydney
- Macquarie University
The students were able to visit various university campuses as well as being able to find out about courses, scholarships, accommodation and university life. We were able to meet up with several former MCC students and it was a momentous occasion for Mr Vella as it was 10 years since he participated in the excursion as a student and subsequently decided to attend UOW.
2023 University Showcase
Last week our Year 12 students were invited to attend this event which saw representatives from four universities come to the Rosary Theatre and give a presentation and offer students an opportunity to collect information and ask questions. The universities were the:
- University of New England
- University of Newcastle
- Charles Sturt University
- Southern Cross University
Latest Careers Newsletter
Each week a newsletter is added to the Careers@McCarthy site. Here is the latest with 22 pages of information on courses (university, private college and TAFE), scholarships, events and opportunities. Click here to check out this week’s newsletter and make sure you check each week.
Google Classrooms
Students are encouraged to join the Google Classrooms which relate directly to their interests and needs. Parents and carers should ask their child if they have done this.
- University 2023+ - Code: 2yz6h6s
- Apprenticeships, Traineeships, Work Experience - Code: d6i57bo
- Part time jobs - Code: o76i4pv
- Full time jobs- Code: xehfpmy
Where to find careers information
Parents and students can find a lot of information on many aspects of careers at the Careers@McCarthy webpage.
Unique Student Identifier Numbers (USI)
Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 have been requested to obtain and advise their USI numbers. This assists us in registering students for training and further qualifications.
A USI is your individual education number for life. It also gives you an online record of your vocational education and training (VET) undertaken in Australia.
If you're at university, TAFE or doing other nationally recognised training, you need a USI. Without one, you can't get Commonwealth financial assistance or your qualification or statement of attainment.
Thank you for advising your USI number, if you do not have a USI you can obtain one by using the link below:
Susan Barrett - Careers Adviser
Samantha Cox - Careers & VET Support Officer (Transition to Work, Work Experience & Employment Options), Education Assistant
Raelee Balderston - VET Officer (SBAT, TVET, Transition to Work, Work Experience & Employment Options)