Principal's Report

Hello everyone,
Thank you for the strong start to the school year.
Please have a look at the table below which is an excerpt from a Living Well, Learning Well resource on student engagement and behaviours. It is worth considering where students are in terms of their connection to and involvement in school. We want more students moving beyond ‘participating’. What is happening for students in your family?
This week we hosted staff from the Catholic Schools Office, Holy Trinity Inverell and St Philomena’s Moree for an Annual Improvement Plan meeting. Our 2023 improvement goals continue a focus on establishing and maintaining a calm, safe and specifically Catholic setting where students experience meaningful learning and skilled wellbeing care. Please take a moment to look at this plan below.
Here is the coherent instructional framework that is the basis of all lessons in the College.
Here is a literacy plan that places literacy work in faculties and Stages into a whole-school view.
In 2023, expect more students to report five strong and uninterrupted lessons in a day, a tighter literacy focus for faculties and year groups, and more opportunity for students to experience an academic stretch of challenging and achievable learning.
Thank you for your continued support.
Rod Whelan - Principal