Prayer and Reflection

We celebrated International “ Womens Day” on March 8th. This Reflection is from “Finding God’s Traces” by Michael McGirr.
The New Testament makes it clear that women occupied positions not only of service but also of authority in the early Christian community. Women were the last witnesses of the death of Jesus, the ones who stuck it out to the bitter end. They were also the first witnesses to the new life of Jesus when he had risen from the dead. In other words they were the first to experience and proclaim the good news in its entirety. Among many strong women in the Gospels, the figure of Martha is important. In John’s Gospel, after Lazarus has been raised from the dead, we find on the lips of Martha one of the most significant proclamations of the belief of the early Christians. I believe that you are Christ, the Son of God, the one who has come into this world.’ Martha was not a passive figure. She was clearly a leader, voicing the faith of the community. There are other women of similar standing, a fact worth pondering on International Women's Day
Thank you
Mr Damian Kenniff
Mission & Spirituality
McCarthy Catholic College